The Personalised Tour

Year 12 Ambassadors Virtual Classroom

This is the Year 12 Ambassadors Virtual Classroom.

You can visit here at anytime to prepare for your personalised tour or our Open Events. 

Presentation Slides from our Ambassador Training .

Year 12 Ambassadors

All Year 12 Lead Ambassadors and Peer Mentors assist at the Senior Entrance Exam.

Training will be given in January 2024. Your role will be to make sure all our visiting candidates feel welcomed and cared for. 

The Senior Entrance Exam consists of an:

Your primary responsibilities:

SEE Day Monday 15 Jan 2024

Attendance required for all Lead Ambassadors and Peer Mentors

Instructions from SEE Training 10 Jan

Open Days

Saturday 30th September & Saturday 18th November

Both events are Whole School Events which means the Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form are welcoming visitors. 

This is the Training page for those who are/wish to tour families this year. Scroll down for the Year 12 Ambassdor Information

All Year 8 Ambassadors should arrive at the Underpass at 8.45am. Here you will find your phone boxes, lanyards, Ambassador badges and registers. There will be teachers supervising you and they will be sending you up in small groups to the Dining Hall to begin your tour from 9am.

All other Year groups please go immediately to M2.6 and sign in electronically with Mrs Whatson and receive your Ambassador lanyard.

Everyone must sign out with Mrs Whatson at the end of the morning.

Year 8 Ambassadors Virtual Classroom

This is the Ambassador Training Virtual Classroom for Y8-13. 

Please can all Years 9-13 confirm their attendance on the 18th November event here so we can prepare our registers.

There are 4 tour routes. Please Click on the School Mat to see tour route 1.

Arrange to meet your family outside CSB after the Head's talk. Usually 20-25 minutes. During the talk refreshments will be provided for you in C2.1

Post Offer Tours

Yellow Week: Thursday 29 February p1-4, Friday 1st March p1-4, Green Week: Monday 4 March p1-4 and Tuesday 4 March p1-4

Year 12 Form - Tell us your availability & areas of expertise 

Year 13 Form - Tell us your areas of expertise