Castle Hill Primary School

SPRING 2 Newsletter 2024

Mr Martin's Message

Dear Parents and friends of CHPS,

Please find below a video from Mr Martin.


Mr Martin and The CHPS Team


Upcoming Events/Dates

Thurs 28 March - Inset Day (both)

Fri 29 March - Bank Holiday

Mon 1 April - Bank Holiday

Tues 2 April - Fri 12 April - Easter Holidays

Mon 15 April - First Day of Summer 1 Term

Tues 16 April - Year 3 Egyptian Day (GB)

Thurs 18 April - Year 3 Egyptian Day (RD)

Mon 22 April - Year 4 Dance Workshop (Miss Lounton GB)

Tues 23 April - Year 4 Dance Workshop (Miss Barrett GB)

Wed 24 April - Year 4 Dance Workshop (Miss Chennell RD)

Thurs 25 April - Year 4 Dance Workshop (Miss Scarr RD)

Thurs 25 April - FF GB Silent Disco

Mon 29 April - Thurs 2 May - Year 6 SATs Mocks (both)

Wed 1 May - Year R Wellington Country Park tip

Mon 6 May - Bank Holiday

Tues 7 May - Year 5 SeaCity Trip (RD) - letter can be viewed here SeaCity Letter

Wed 8 May - Year 5 SeaCity Trip (GB) -  letter can be viewed here SeaCity Letter

Mon 13 May - Thurs 16 May - Year 6 SATs

Mon 27 May - Bank Holiday

Tues 28 May - Fri 31 May - Half Term Holidays

Mon 3 June - First Day of Summer 2 Term


Thurs 28 March 2024

Mon 8 July 2024

Monday 2nd September 2024

Friday 25th October  2024 

Monday 6th January 2025

Friday 23rd May 2025

Monday 7th July 2025 

To view all the CHPS calendar and term dates see the links below:

View our website calendar

View our term dates

What has Been happening in School?

Eco Champions Planting @ Rooksdown

We have been very lucky to have some amazing volunteers from Chevron and Greener Spaces who came in and cut back some of the overgrown areas in our woodland area, and created a bark trail to create a pathway around the whole of the field, to our new sensory garden area at the back of the field. The volunteers have also been busy creating planters and some natural seating, which doubles up as bug hotels, for the children to sit on. Thank you so much to the volunteers for the support with this project. 

On Tuesday 27th February, the Eco Champions spent the afternoon planting a row of hedges to section off the sensory garden from the rest of the field to create some "natural screening" as well as starting to fill up the bug hotels. We look forward to watching this grow and develop further. 

World Book Day @ CHPS - raising £257 in donations

Young Carers Assembly

In support of Young Carers Action Day on Wednesday 13th March, we held a whole school assembly where we looked at Young Carers, who they are and what they do. This highlighted to all children the important role that Young Carers fill and how it can impact their day-to-day lives.

That afternoon, we took some of our Young Carers on a trip to Costa in Rooksdown where they enjoyed hot chocolates and fruit shoots. It was a wonderful day to support our Young Carers at Castle Hill. 

We are looking forward to further trips in the future.

Easter Egg Hunts

Greenbank Book Nook

At Greenbank, we are thrilled to announce the completion of our brand new book nook, a project envisioned in our Outdoor Strategy Plan led by Hampshire Principal Landscape Architect, Catherine Eldred, in collaboration with our dedicated staff.

Made possible by a remarkable £1,150 raised through school Fundraising Friends efforts, this cozy reading haven is sure to spark a love of literature in our students.

The magic extends beyond the financial contributions. A heartfelt thank you goes out to our incredible staff and amazing parent volunteers who transformed the space with their artistic talents. From captivating book illustrations to whimsical toadstool tables, they've breathed life into the book nook, creating a truly enchanting environment.

The book nook wouldn't be complete without its treasure trove of stories. We are deeply grateful to our fantastic school community for your generous donations, ensuring a diverse and captivating selection of books for our students to explore.

We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone involved: families, friends, and carers who participate in our fundraising events. Your unwavering support has made this dream a reality for our students. This peaceful haven will provide a space for them to relax, embark on literary adventures, and get lost in the magic of a good book during break times. 

We would like to thank Kat, Catherine, Alex M, Cara, Margarida, Sarah, Tony, Kellyann, Amy, Naomi, and Alex S for making the book nook into a magical place with all their hard work to get it ready for the opening. Yulia A for her amazing artwork and for dedicating her time.  Also thank you to Mo (our ex-Governor) for officially opening both Book Nooks.

Rooksdown Book Nook

The Book Nook idea came from our Outdoor Strategy Plan with Catherine Eldred and the staff . Fundraising Friends kindly donated £1100 towards it.

Julie (a grandparent) has very kindly been volunteering to get all the books set up, organising it and made some signs and she will be listening to readers in it after Easter. A parent of a Year 5 pupil also kindly made the cushions with all of the reading quotes on. The site team helped with repainting and laying down the artificial grass and a thank you to parents and staff for the book donations. 

Attendance Updates

Our target for this year is 96% or over, and last year’s attendance was 95.2%. 

Our current percentage is 95.2%. Well done!

The classes with the best attendance this half term are:


KS1 – Year 2 Miss Hopkins  = 97.4%

KS2 – Year 4 Miss Chennells = 97.7%


Year  Mrs Vickery  = 98.5%

Here is a useful link to the NHS website which might help you decide if your child is too ill for school -

Sports Reports & Team Photos

KS1 Football Tournament

Year 2 were invited to take part in a KS1 Football Tournament. 

The team played so incredibly well and showed great sportsmanship even when they lost some games. The teamwork and determination shone through, they supported and encouraged each other throughout every game!  All children played in different positions and nearly every child scored! 

Well done to Archie, Liam, Louie, Aarav, Rio, Maia,Yassi, Cece & Mia! 

You should be really proud of yourself!  Miss Gill thoroughly enjoyed taking you and you represented the school so well.

GB Girls Football

Castle Hill girls topped their league and then were victorious against Oakley in the 1/4 finals to progress to the semi final stage. The girls lost in a penalty shootout to Park View who were the eventual champions. In the third place game, the girls were brilliant to win the 3rd place medals. Congratulations girls on a fantastic season!

The Year 3 and 4 girls played in a football festival last month with 11 other schools. The festival was a big hit as all of our young footballers had an amazing time!

Holiday Camps / Clubs

Community Events/News

We are lucky to be located in two districts of Basingstoke with a busy and vibrant community spirit with lots of events and clubs to explore! Please contact the school if you have an event you wish to advertise here in the future!


Help us win £500! Sign up to support Castle Hill Primary School - Basingstoke on #easyfundraising and not only will you raise FREE donations for us with your everyday shopping, but you'll also give us an entry into their latest giveaway to win a donation prize! You can make a difference, by signing up today:

Worthing Community Trust - Community support ♥️

We have been luckily selected to receive a grant from local charity The Worting Community Trust.  The trust has gifted us a huge £2,000 to support our school community food banks and help support the most vulnerable of families. 

As a school, we are extremely lucky to have amazing parental support when keeping these initiatives running, but this donation will hopefully see the implementation of some new key initiatives to support those families that need a bit of extra help. 

A huge thank you to Jean Day and The Worting Community Trust for this opportunity! We can not wait to share our successes with you all! 

If you do feel that you need support in the shape of a food parcel - don't forget to email and we will be in contact. 

The Undressed Song

At primary ages, children are very easily taken advantage of as they are highly impressionable and unaware of the dangers they may be facing.

The Undressed Song by the London Grid for Learning is designed to educate these youngest of pupils on what should and shouldn't be done online. It does this through an understandable and age-appropriate medium - song.

To find out more please follow the link below:

In other News.....

James T (Year 5 RD) took part in the Basingstoke Music and Arts Festival and got second place in the piano '9 years old, own choice' category. 

Here is James with his Commended certificate. 

Logan A (Year 2 RD) first modelled for the launch of the new clothing brand GWD in November and has been back to model for them 3 more times already this year! 

We can also see him on their social media pages and website.

London TKD has an afterschool club on a Monday based at Greenbank for year groups 2 - 6. Email if you would like your child to attend.

Thank you to The Property Explorer for donating a pile of sweets for our next Fundraising Friends event at Greenbank.

Thank you for your February donations, you helped us raise £47.50!

Our next collection will be on Friday 28th June. Please have a good clearout and help us raise some funds!

Have you checked out the new CHPS Instagram page? We will be sharing updates with parents and the community. Follow us @castlehillbstoke or scan the QR code.

Fundraising Friends NEWS!

Greenbank Fundraising Friends

Castle Hill & The Chocolate Factory

A huge thank you to our incredible Fundraising Friends team and the entire Greenbank community for making our "Castle Hill & The Chocolate Factory" fundraiser a smashing success!

We were thrilled with the fantastic turnout for our chocolate bar sales, managing to raise an amazing £282.54 profit for our school. These funds will go towards some exciting initiatives that will directly benefit our students.

A special shout-out goes to Mr. Martin for his fantastic sportsmanship! He truly embodied the spirit of the day by dressing up as one of Castle Hill's very own Oompa Loompas. We all appreciate the fun and laughter he brought to the event.

But the fun isn't over yet! After the Easter break, we'll be revealing which lucky students have found the golden tickets hidden inside their chocolate bars. 

We are incredibly grateful for everyone's support! Our fundraising events wouldn't be possible without the dedication and enthusiasm of our entire school community. Thank you for helping us make Greenbank an even more exceptional place for our students!

Mother's Day Treat

Our amazing young artists at Greenbank had a blast creating Mother’s Day tote bags at our workshop! Their creativity truly shone, and the bags looked fantastic. We hope you all enjoyed them!

A huge thank you to our incredible FF team here at Greenbank for their invaluable help! We couldn’t have done it without you!

The workshop was a great success, raising £240 towards further upgrades for our wonderful outdoor areas!

Next event

We hope everyone is looking forward to our next event 'The Silent Disco' on Thursday 25th April. To book a ticket visit:

Rooksdown Fundraising Friends

Easter Eggs

Thank you to the wonderful Rooksdown Fundraising Friends & Rooksdown Parish Council who kindly donated every child in the school with a chocolate easter egg. 

Wonka Bars

Also, thank you for the support of our Rooksdown FF for the sale of Castle Hill Wonka Bars! 

The children are super excited to see if they have won the Golden Ticket! 

Thank you to Mr Martin for surprising the children with an incredible outfit. In case you missed it, here is a photo! 

We hope you have a lovely Easter! 


With the Easter break coming up, if we have any 'April showers' then no doubt some children will be inside playing video games.

As children immerse themselves in the captivating world of online gaming, parents should understand the potential risks and take proactive steps to protect them. Here’s a concise guide to help you navigate the digital landscape and keep your young gamers safe:

Understanding the Risks:

Tips for Keeping Children Safe:

Remember, online gaming can be both entertaining and educational, but parental guidance is essential. Stay involved, stay informed, and ensure your child’s gaming experience remains positive and secure! 🎮🌟

For more advice on topics like parental controls and game ratings visit and use FamilyGamingDatabase to find appropriate games including video games and board games. 

Trips & Workshops

We have been planning some exciting trips and workshops across all year groups this academic year. These trips are planned to complement and reinforce learning on key curriculum topics. We are aware of the financial challenges that everyone is facing at the moment and so to help with budgeting have set an annual maximum figure of £40 per child, and where possible lower than this. 

Trip amounts are calculated assuming that every child takes part and makes a contribution to ensure we have raised sufficient funds. Please note, that should there be insufficient voluntary contributions the school reserves the right to cancel or postpone the trip or workshop. 

We hope that this is helpful for your financial planning. We are looking forward to some exciting experiences. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. 

Homefield House - Care Home Visit

We went to the local care home to celebrate the work of Rosie, the Activity Champion at Homefield House. 

Over a period of time, Rosie has noted some of the residents' thoughts, feelings and memories about different things in their lives, before piecing them together to create the poems in the book - ‘My Internal Reality - Dementia Voices’.

Our children each read out one of these poems and they were sensational.  So many comments were made about how smart our children are, how remarkable their reading is and how their punctuation was amazing. 

Rosie was overcome with emotion at hearing our children read the work that she has worked collaboratively with the patients on. It was a pleasure to take them and I was immensely proud. 

The Mayor and Mayoress were also blown away by our children and their performance. They spent time chatting with the children afterwards, which was just lovely. 

Our School

If you haven't seen it yet, watch our Promotional Video now!