Welcome to our Classroom Website!

Contact Information

I check my email much more frequently then my voicemail. If you need an answer quickly, that's the best way to connect.

Email: kjensen@chisholm.k12.mn.us or click on the Contact Me! tab above :)

Phone: (218)-254-5726 ext:

I'm available before school, 7:45-8:00 am or afterschool, 3:05-3:30 daily.

Go back to the Chisholm Schools Webpage

Winter is coming to a close, and while you may not see them yet, the signs of spring are all around! Can you spot them, and get it started so that we can get a move on toward nicer days?!

Sandi T Idnas loves Symmetry and Setting Traps. She loves Line Symmetry, how you can draw a line down the middle of an object, or fold it in half to match the sides! She loves to find Symmetry in Nature and really loves when an object has more than one line of Symmetry! She uses Symmetry when she sets her traps! You have just entered her Symmetry Trap - and you will need to figure out her Symmetry Puzzles in order to Break out!

I am going to be using Instagram this year to help teach Digitial Citizenship. Follow our class to see the cool things happening in the classroom! No names will be given at anytime!

Follow us @ jensens_epic5th

If you would like to sign up for classroom updates and reminders:

text @6ab49a7 to the number 81010

You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.

If anyone has trouble with 81010, try texting @6ab49a7 to (218) 755-5448.

Supply List for the school year!

Please, if you are unable to purchase any of these items, let me know. Or if you would like to donate any additional supplies for other students in the class, THANK YOU!

Supply List 17-18