What are Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support (EMLSS)?

The members of the Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District (CFAUSD) have worked to create and implement Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support (EMLSS) for all CFAUSD students. Equity is the cornerstone of how we support our students, and drives us to ensure that every student has access to the educational resources and rigor they need at the right moment in their education. Our district system is modeled after the state of Wisconsin’s vision for EMLSS and strives to achieve higher levels of academic, behavioral, social, and emotional success for ALL students.

Three essential elements interconnect in the CFAUSD EMLSS System: high quality instruction, strategic use of data, and collaboration. In addition, we provide multiple levels of support for students who may need more support or more challenge to meet their personal best.

To learn more:

Academic Support System

Social-Emotional-Behavioral Support System


Equity in education means that personal or social circumstances such as gender, ethnic origin, or family background, are not obstacles to achieving educational potential, and all individuals reach at least a basic minimum level of skills.

It is important to differentiate between equality (where every student is treated the same) and equity (where every student has the support they need to be successful). We engage in equitable practices by putting systems in place to ensure that every child has an equal chance for success.

A Continuum of Supports

Our schools provide a continuum or multi-tiered system of proactive and responsive supports built to meet a range of learners' academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. There is a strong connection between instruction, collaboration, and thoughtful use of data to ensure the success of every learner.

Tier 1: Universal Level of Support

Tier 2: Targeted Level of Support

Tier 3: Intensive Level of Support