Persuasive Essay  Research Guide

Getting Started

This site should help get you started with your essay!

This by no means contains ALL the resources you might want to use, but it can help you focus your search with some reliable sources. If you use resources from here, remember you must still CITE EACH SOURCE. This is a collection of websites, so you may NOT cite this database itself as your source. 

Reliable Sources

Note: when we say "reliable source," we don't mean we endorse or agree with everything an author says or that the source stands for. It just means, "Yes, this is a real website from an actual organization that is generally trustworthy in how they present their information." You should still evaluate the information and the source before deciding to use it. 

Graphic Organizers 

Use these graphic organizers to help keep track of your notes as you work through all these sources. Choose what works best for you ,or create your own! (When you click on a link, you'll be prompted to "Make a Copy," then you'll be able to edit online or print, whichever works best for you.)

And here's a tip: go ahead and make a note of the correct citation for your Works Cited page as soon as you know you're going to start taking notes from a source. 


Take a few minutes to watch this video about paraphrasing while researching, taking notes, and writing. Avoid plagiarism and improve your recall all at the same time!

Ask the Library! 

Need help with research, sources, or citation? Visit Mrs. Meester in the library spaces in person, or email her at