Humiston School Home Page

Humiston School - A High School Alternative in Cheshire Public Schools

Office Phone



    30 Spring St.

    Cheshire, CT  06410

        Humiston School is an alternative high school setting for Cheshire Public School students.  It is designed for students who have difficulty managing the size, pace, and demands of the comprehensive Cheshire High School setting.

Humiston School provides a small educational community that allows students to be actively engaged in their school program.  There is a low teacher to student ratio which leads to strong and positive relationships between the teachers and students.  The number of students at Humiston usually ranges from 15 to 30 over the course of the school year.  This low number creates a close-knit community.  It reduces the number of social stressors for the students and they are able to have a better focus on their academic work.

The smaller setting of Humiston School provides more structure and an easy to follow routine that makes it easier for the students to cope with the demands of their high school program.  Humiston School gives the students an opportunity to have tailored support that they need to complete high school.  The academic, interpersonal, and health needs of each student are supported.  

Students who complete their high school program while attending Humiston School receive a Cheshire High School diploma.  The goal for the students is to complete high school with their class while also being ready for employment and/or post-secondary educational programs.

There are flexible criteria for students to attend Humiston School.  Referrals to Humiston School must be made by the Cheshire High School team.  Students with and without special education needs can attend.  Students from ninth grade to twelfth grade are enrolled.  Parents and students complete an intake meeting with members of the Humiston School staff before they begin. Tours can be arranged for students who are being considered for enrolling. The Humiston team and the Cheshire High School team carefully coordinate each student’s transition to Humiston.  Care is taken to be sure that enrolling at Humiston will keep every student on track  to meet all the current graduation requirements.


  Robin-Anne Carey


  Maureen Reed


   Alison Lennon

Intake Coordinator:

   Amanda Giacondino

Social  Worker:

    Jen Darcey

Math Teacher:

   Jennifer Beling

English Teacher:

    Matthew Leavenworth

Social Studies Teacher:

    Lisa SanAngelo* 

Science Teacher:

  Sandra Coggshall

P.E. Health Teacher:

    Joe Krutz

Art Teacher:

    Sara McGrimmley


    Stephanie Loomer


    Nancy Stanton

30 Spring Street - Cheshire, CT  06410   203-250-2442