Getting started with NoodleTools

· Login to your NoodleTools account through your my.cherrycreek

NoodleTOols Tutorials:

· Create a project in NoodleTools

· Create a citation in NoodleTools

· Write a notecard in NoodleTools

· Exporting a Works Cited from NoodleTools

Exporting Works Cited.mp4

Useful Links for Citation and Research Help

MLA 9 = the most commonly used style at CCHS​

MLA Basics

Beginning the Research Process

Creating a Thesis Statement

Formatting your paper

· OWL Purdue: ​MLA Sample Paper

Finalizing the Research Process

Plagiarism Spectrum


Preparing an Annotated Bibliography Or Literature Review

· Cornell University: How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography

· UNC Writing Center: Annotated Bibliography

· University Writing, Texas A&M: Annotated Bibliography

Sample Argumentative Annotated Bib with notes

· University of Colorado: Literature Reviews

 Remote Access to Online Resources 

 Submitting your Paper 

See a Teacher-Librarian if you need specific help with your research: