PH216 Online

Lab for PH203 or PH213
Syllabus: Introduction


Welcome to online PH214 at Chemeketa Community College for fall term 2023. This website will orient you to your class and function as a contract between you and me. I look forward to being your instructor.

Physics is the study of the fundamental behavior of nature, from the very large to the very small. Physics is fun!

Course Information

Title:  Lab for PH203 or PH213 Credits: 1
Description: Offers labs to accompany topics in PH203 or PH213.
Prerequisites:  Placement into WR115  (or higher), or completion of WR090  (or higher); placement into MTH251  (or higher), or completion of MTH112Z  (or higher); concurrent registration in  PH203  or PH2123  or successful completion of either course; or consent of instructor. (All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.)
Text: Lab instructions will be provided for free online. The lab kit must be purchased from the Chemeketa Bookstore.
CRN: 82851

Instructor Information

Name: Erik Jensen (please call me Erik or he/they)
Office: building 8, room 221E, 4000 Lancaster Dr. NE, Salem, OR, 97305
Email: (see communication expectations)
Phone: 503.589.7838
Office:  Building 8, room 221E
Office Hours Spring 2024: TR 9-10 am (in my office), TW 1-4 pm (in my office), and W 9-11:30 am (in building 8, room 222)

During these hours I am available for immediate support in-person or on Slack. I am also available by appointment on Zoom. 


Mental Resources: The prerequisites for this course are listed above. It is also helpful if you are comfortable with common software such as web browsers, word processors, and spreadsheets.

Temporal Resources: It is expected that lab activities will take 3 hours per week on average, though this will vary with the week and the student.

Other Resources: In addition to paying for the required tuition and fees, you will need to procure a variety of other resources to complete this class. Please consult the following list:


The skills I hope to help develop in you are the following:


The primary website we will use is Canvas (eLearn). You should normally access the class materials through the “front door” by clicking on the class and going to the modules. Do not simply react to the calendar, to-do list, or notifications.

Slack: This is our primary platform for communication. You will access it through links in Canvas. You can use the website or install the app on your phone or computer.