Code of Conduct

We kindly request that all event attendees adhere to our Code of Conduct

The purpose of the code is to ensure that the experience of participants attending  Community Housing Cymru (CHC) events is governed by principles of responsible and orderly conduct. 

This code applies to delegates, CHC staff, and any other persons attending conferences, seminars or meetings organised by CHC.

There are three main principles:

Breaches of the code might include:

Enforcement of the Code
CHC staff will take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance with the code and may seek the help of personnel from the same housing association or support from an appropriate authority if they feel the code is being breached.  We will follow up any breaches of the code with appropriate action, which may include  withdrawing the delegate from the event and/or informing the delegate’s organisation about the incident with action taken and details of any witnesses.