The Results Are In!

The Presidential Election Results are in and We Have a New President

Find out who our new President is, See what Trump has to say about the election and learn a little bit more about Joe Biden

Who is the new President?

On Saturday November 7th, 2020, Joseph R. Biden was elected the 46th president of the United States of America, after winning Pennsylvania against presidential candidate and former president Donald J. Trump. He rose over 270 electoral votes winning the 2020 presidential election and becoming America's next President.

What does Trump have to say?

This year, the US postal service will be handling millions of mail-in ballots that hold the voters’ voice in the 2020 election. Thirty one states and the District of Columbia are requiring mail-in ballot signatures to be compared with the envelope to other papers inside. Eighty one states are required by law to notify a person if there is something wrong with the signature. Donald Trump says that the mail in ballots are subject to fraud. Election expert Nate Persily states that this concern is overot if history is a guide. Trump tweets, "Mail-In Ballot fraud found in many elections. People are just now seeing how bad, dishonest and slow it is. Election results could be delayed for months. No more big election night answers? 1% not even counted in 2016. Ridiculous! Just a formula for RIGGING an Election,Absentee Ballots are fine because you have to go through a precise process to get your voting privilege. Not so with Mail-Ins. Rigged Election!!! 20% fraudulent ballots?" Other than accusing mail-in ballots to be frauds, Trump is claiming the election to be rigged and that 20% of votes would be “fraudulent ballots.” Past elections allowed mail in voting, not just this year. Past mail-in voting was most of the time not a “fraud.”

Who is Joe Biden?

Joe Biden an American politician. He was born in 1942 in a place called Scranton, Pennsylvania. Biden graduated from Syracuse University earning his law degree in 1968. He got some attention from being the 6th youngest senator in America. He supported the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002, but did not support the surge of US troops in 2007. He tried to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act this provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs and the Violence Against Women Act as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement. Biden has been elected to the senate six times in all. He left his role in the senate to serve Barack Obama as vice President of the United States of America in 2008. In 2017, Obama honored Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In April of 2019, Biden announced that he would be one of the 2020 election presidential candidates, and the rest is well history.

Wrap up

Joe Biden, former politician senator and vice president, is our new president. Donald Trump is claiming that mail in ballots aren’t credible. This year, the election has been very dramatic. But what did you expect?



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