Clubs at Smith

Aili Shaw - November 12, 2020



GSA stands for Gender-Sexuality Alliance, and is for anyone identifying as LGBTQ+, or an ally who wants to support them. It is led by Mr. Young and Mr. Van Jimenez and takes place on Tuesdays from 3:30-4:00.


Do you like math? Then MathCounts is for you. It meets on Mondays from 4:00-5:00 and is led by Dr. Blackburn, or just Dr. B. Currently there are around 60 students in MathCounts, but there’s always room for more! In the club, you train for the MathCounts Competition and work out problems with help from Dr. B.

Journalism Club

It meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-4:30, and the members talk about articles and journalism. They also write the school newspaper, SMS Student News. You can join even if you don’t watch the news! There are article writers and fact checkers, but also editors (for grammar and phrasing) and artists. The artists make comic strips and pieces of art for the Entertainment section of SMS Student News.

Of course, you don’t have to join any clubs, but it is encouraged to. You’ll meet people with similar interests as yours, and you’ll make new friends. Unlike classes, there are no grades, and it’s just a place to have fun!