Migrate Data to NEW PTPro from "Old Gradebook"

If you want the ability to copy assignments from the previous school year you must follow the steps below:

  • If you have assignments to copy, you must follow the steps below:
    • All Sections are set with "Gradebook Type" =PowerTeacher Pro on the backend -- If you wish to have your gradebook assignments from last year, your Data Manager MUST change the gradebook setting for your sections to PTG BEFORE using your PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook.
    • Open PowerTeacher Gradebook, as they have in the past
    • Using the "Tools" functionality, you can copy assignments from previous years to the 2017-2018 respective classes
    • Once copied, the section "Gradebook Type" can now be set to PowerTeacher Pro by your Data Manager
    • The next time a teacher logs onto PowerTeacher
      • You will see "PowerTeacher Pro" blue link below all classes whose "Gradebook Type" is now PowerTeacher Pro
      • When clicking PowerTeacher Pro in the upper left-hand column, or under any of their classes, the teacher will be prompted to "Migrate" any assignments now in their "old" gradebook, to the PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook
      • Once the "Gradebook Type" is set to PowerTeacher Pro, any further attempts to open their old gradebooks will result in "Read Only" access
        • No access to now copy assignments from a previous year to their PowerTeacher Pro 2017-2018 gradebook will be allowed