McDougle Elementary 

 3rd Grade

Welcome to the MES Third Grade Website! This is a space for teachers, parents, and students to access links and important information pertaining to third grade. We will update this site throughout the year. Please navigate the links at the top of the page for more information. 

Introducing your fabulous Third Grade Teachers!

Ms. Deanna Vecchia

Mrs. Marla Brown

Daily Schedule

8:00-8:10 Morning Meeting

8:10-9:10 Math (live lesson + independent practice + small group)

9:10-9:40 Science/SS (live lesson + independent practice)

9:40-9:55 Independent practice, small group and office hours

10:00-10:45 Specials

10:45-11:30 Math independent practice, small group and office hours

11:30-12:30 Lunch and Physical Activity

12:30-1:30 Reading  (live lesson + independent practice + small group)

1:30-2:30 Literacy independent practice, small group and office hours