Welcome to Yongsing Elementary School

Welcome to Yongsing Elementary School

Yongxing Elementary School is located in Yongjing, known as the hometown of seedlings in Changhua. It currently has 12 classes with 266 students and is a century-old school.

Two hundred years ago, our school district was originally a Hakka settlement. It experienced constant conflicts with the Pingpu tribe of Shekou and nearby Minnan ethnic groups, suffering multiple village burnings and heavy casualties. The name "Yongjing" (which means "eternal tranquility") was chosen in the hope of peace and stability.

The Yongxing school district is a treasured land, and part of the Zhuoshui River alluvial plain at the foot of Bagua Mountain. The nutrient-rich soil makes it a paradise for subtropical plants and it is within the fruit and seedling region.

To the north, Wubian and Lunzi neighbor Yuanlin City, capturing the pioneering spirit. To the west, the Zhongshan Provincial Highway provides north-south connectivity. The Yongjing Railway Station , which was established in 1961, and recently completed external roads, along with a high-speed rail connecting expressway passing through Yongxing, Dongning, and Fuzhen to the east, has established the opportunity for Yongjing Township to become a transportation hub. 

Our Curriculum

Strengthening academic skills is a common goal in Yongxing education. Therefore, we prioritize reading education, delve deeply into contexts and construct school-specific curricula to create an atmosphere that values reading. This encourages students to embrace reading strategies and engage in applied inquiry.

Our curriculum focuses on the elements of Yongjing. Initially Hakkas settled at Yongjing and then they gradually became assimilated by the Minnan ethnic group, transforming into Hoklo Hakka. Facing the dominant Minnan group, the Hakka community in Yongjing gradually forgot their language and identity, making the "Hakka roots" culture mixed and hard to recognize. However, thanks to the efforts of Hakka committees and cultural historians, recent revitalization activities such as "Xie Pingan" and "Courtyard Renaissance" are developing. 

In addition to reading, we also develop bilingual international education, technological and digital capabilities, and campus aesthetics. Our school offers a variety of club activities to stimulate students' potential. The basketball team excels and dominates the courts; the lion dance team is often invited to perform in public; the violin ensemble is melodious; jazz drumming and dance bring energy; Taekwondo showcases agility and strength, and the dance and cheerleading team frequently wins accolades with their superb skills. 









除了閱讀,我們也發展雙語國際教育、科技數位實力、校園美感議題。校內亦有多元的社團活動激發孩子的潛能,籃球隊球藝超群,稱霸籃壇;舞獅隊常受 邀表演;小提琴弦樂悠揚;爵士鼓熱舞添活力;跆拳道競技身手矯健,舞蹈啦啦舞精湛的舞藝亦常勇奪佳績。