Deep Dive into Fusion 360 pt 2

The purpose of this project is to become more proficient in and independent with Fusion 360 CAD designing software.

Bicycle Rack

To create this bike rack, I first created a new design in Fusion 360 and named it "Bicycle Rack" and under the browser tab I changed the document setting's units to inches. 

Next, I selected the create sketch tool under the create tab and clicked on the top plane (z and x). Under the create tab I selected the center circle tool, clicked on the origin to set it as the center point, and entered 4" as the circle diameter. I chose to finish this sketch and create a new sketch on a perpendicular plane to the circle, the front plane (y and x). 

With the new sketch I selected the line tool under the create tab and placed the first point of the line on the origin. Dragging my mouse out to create the line, I entered 36" as the line length and hit the tab key to confirm the dimensions. I then placed the second point of the line on the y-axis to create a line perpendicular to the origin and center circle. To ensure the line is vertical, I selected the vertical constraint tool under the constraints tab and selected the line. I then made an 18" horizontal line perpendicular to the 36" vertical line with the endpoint of the 36" line as the first point in the 18" line. I selected the horizontal constraint tool under the constraint tab and clicked on the 18" line to ensure it was perpendicular to the vertical line. I then made another vertical line heading back towards the x-axis but 34" long this time. I then repeated this pattern, creating an 18" horizontal line, a 34" vertical line, an 18" horizontal line, and finally a 36" vertical line with its endpoint on the x-axis. 

To round the edges of the bicycle rack, I finished the previous sketch and made a new sketch. Typing the keyboard letter f for a shortcut to access the fillet tool, I selected the last sketch, typed 4" and tab to set the radius of the fillet, hit enter, and finished the sketch.

To finish the bicycle rack, I created one final sketch and selected the sweep tool under the create tab. In the new popup, I selected the single path type, the 4" center circle as the profile, the M-shaped line as the path, entered a distance of 1", kept the taper and twist angles at 0 degrees, selected perpendicular orientation, and the operation as a new body. Finally, I clicked ok, finished the sketch, and saved the file.

2D Drawings 

Joint Connector


Bicycle Rack

To create a 2D drawing, first select a 3D design file that you wish to create a drawing of. In the data panel, select the file tab, new drawing, from design, click ok, and wait for Fusion 360 to load in the new drawing tab. In the new tab, click to place the base view and edit the view under the drawing view tab. Make the first view with tangent edges off, a scale of 1:10, a style of visible and hidden edges, and a front orientation. Now right-click the base view and select the projected view tool. Move the cursor directly upwards to place a top view of the design and click. Move the cursor up to the right and click to place a side view of the design. Now, right-click the upper-right-hand corner projected view and click edit view. Selected the shaded style to provide a colored picture of the design. 

Under the dimensions tab, select the radius dimension tool, and click on the highlighted circles in the base and projected top view to show their dimensions. Use the linear dimensions tool to set the dimensions of the non-circle parts of the design. Ensure you provide dimensions for all parts of the design but do not repeat or overlap dimensions.

1x4 Technic Lego Brick

To start making the 1x4 Lego brick, first make a new design, save the file as "1x4 Technic Lego Brick," and set the document settings to mm in the browser tab. 

Create a new sketch on the top plane, select the rectangle tool under the create tab and make its first point the origin. Enter a height of 7.8mm and hit the tab button and enter a width of 31.8mm and hit tab and enter. Press the keyboard letter E and enter 9.6mm with the operation new body to extrude the rectangle. Finish this sketch and create a new sketch on the top of the rectangle. 

Under the create tab, select the center circle tool and click on the top of the rectangle to start the circle. Set the diameter as 4.8mm and click the tab and then enter buttons to place the circle. Then, to position the circle in the desired location, use the dimension tool by pressing the shortcut letter D and click the center point of the circle and one edge of the rectangle, and set the distance to 3.9mm. Repeat the dimensioning again but select the edge perpendicular to and touching the rectangle edge that has already been dimensioned. Now, under the create tab, select the circular pattern, set the quantity to four, and click enter. Press shortcut letter E for extrude, select the four circles, set the distance as 1.8mm, and operation as join to extrude the circles upwards. 

Under the modify tab, click the shell tool, select the bottom of the rectangle, the face opposite of the new circles, and set the inside thickness as 1.5mm and the direction as inside. Now finish the sketch and create a new sketch on the front side of the lego brick.  

Select the center circle tool and create a 6.2mm diameter circle. use the dimension tool to set the circle 7.9mm away from the lefthand side of the face and 5.8mm away from the bottom edge of the rectangle. Under the create tab select the circular pattern, select the circle, and eneter quantity 3. Extrude these circles -1.5mm with the cut operation before finishing the sketch.

Repeated the circles on the back face of the brick but extrude them -5mm to ensure the brick is cut all the way through in the shape of the circles. 

Create a new sketch and an offset plane on the front face circles. place a center circle with a 4.8mm diameter inside these circles and Negatively extrude the space between the new 4.8mm diameter circle and pre-existing 6.2mm diameter circle -6.3mm with operation new body. Now, select the same space between the circles and negatively extrude it 1.5mm with operation cut and finish sketch.

Create a new sketch and an offset plane on the bottom of the brick, create a 3.2mm diameter center circle on the origin, and extrude it -2.4mm with operation new body. Repeat this two more times equidistant from one another before finishing the sketch.

Finally, create a new sketch on top of the four circles on the top face of the brick and make a 2.3mm diameter center circle on top of the circles and negatively extrude the 3.2mm circles 1.4mm with operation cut. Now, finish this sketch and save the file to complete the 1x4 Technic Lego brick.

Technic Lego Wheel 


The Original Lego



My 3D Design of Lego


My 2D Design 

To create this lego I first used calipers by turning them on and zeroing them to measure my lego piece.  

I created a new sketch and make a  21.42mm diameter center circle on the top plane and extrude the circle 3.57mm diameter with new body operation. Then, create a new sketch with a 24.02mm center circle on the top plane and extrude it 1.06mm. Then, I created a sketch on the top of the extruded circle and made a 24.02mm center circle, and extrude it negatively 1.06mm with a join operation. I then extruded the top and bottom faces by -0.5mm with a cut operation. Next, I sketched a 22.98mm center circle on the top and bottom circles and extruded them by 1mm. I then made a 7.55mm center circle on the top and bottom planes circle and extruded it 0.66mm. I created another center circle with a 6.08mm diameter on the top plane circle and extruded it down 4.07mm. I then used the slot tool with a 1mm diameter and negatively extruded it 4.07mm with a cut operation. Next, I created four conic curves in each corner of the inside circle and negatively extruded 4.07mm with the join operation. Next, I created two  4.72mm center circle on the top plane and dimensioned them 16mm away from each other’s center points. I then used the circle pattern and entered quantity 3. I then extruded those circles down 3mm with a cut operation. Next, I created 5.88mm center circles on the center points of the 6 circles and extruded them up 1mm with a cut operation. I then repeated these circles on the bottom face. I then filleted the edges of the circle 1mm and saved the file.

Connor Cruz's 2D Lego Design

Alana Duffy's 2D Design of Connor Cruz's 2D Lego Design

Created a 36.27mm diameter center circle and extruded it up 5.6mm and extrude cut from bottom 2mm. Created a 6.43mm center circle with a 5.6mm center circle on the same point and use a circular pattern with 4 quantity around the origin and extruded it down by 5mm with a cut operation. I then extruded the area between the 6.43mm center circle and 5.6mm center circle up 1.62mm. I then created two 5.6mm center circles on the outside of the circle and dimensioned them 7.78mm apart from each other from their centers. I then used the circular pattern with 4 quantity around the origin. Next, I extruded the circles down 5mm. I then created 6.43mm circles around the 8 circles and extruded the areas between the two circles up 1.62mm. I then sketched an octagon on the top face and extruded it up 1.62mm. I then repeated this on the bottom face. Next, I made four 7.22x0.45mm rectangles on the axis and extruded them up 1mm. I then made a 1.82x1.42mm rectangle on the rim of the circle and used the circular pattern with 40 quantity and then extruded them up 4.54mm. I then filleted the corners of the rectangles with a 0.4 radius fillet. Next, I made 4.2x4.2mm rectangles and 13.38mm slots and extruded them down 5mm. 

Interlocked Mobius Ring 

 MAD' About Designs YT Tutorial

My 3D Design



Interlocked Mobius Ring 2D Design

3D Printing Workflow

the actual mobius ring print

Video of First Layer 3D Printing 

To print the mobius ring, I took my Fusion 3D design file and exported it to Pruca Slicer as a cdr file. Once in Pruca Slicer, I set the print settings to 0.05 ULTRADETAIL, infill to 15%, put supports on the build plate only, and sized the x to 1.5", y to 1.47", and z to 0.36". I then sliced the cdr and exported the g-code to the 3D printer 14 website. 

Final 3D Printed Product

Problems Encountered

problems I encountered include omitting any supports from my first g-code which led the printer to be unable to stick to the plate and thus not print correctly. To solve this, I addded supports on the build plate only 

The fixed print