Issue 11

Year 1 Topic Launch - Chocolate 

This term the topic for Year 1 is 'The Wonderful World of Chocolate.' The launch day began the evening before when the children received their very own golden ticket inviting them to a chocolate wonderland. On the day they visited the Invention Room to create their very own chocolate bar and enjoyed a fantastical Willy Wonka inspired lunch. To find out more click here

Ski trip to Salzburger Sportwelt 

During the Easter holidays 37 children and 6 staff set off to the beautiful ski resort of Salzburger Sportwelt in Austria for a week of skiing. The trip began with a rather long coach journey but Mr Brooks and Mr Umhoefer entertained them with lots of games before they arrived in Kuchl. 

Every day was filled with excitement but particularly the first, when all the children were skiing for the first time. They began on the nursery slopes and then after lunch were split into groups according to their ability. The week had a variety of weather from blue skies to constant snow falling but the children went from strength to strength. The pizza snow ploughs were improving and by Wednesday some of the beginners headed up on the chair lifts onto the ‘big’ mountain.  

The more advanced were having a great time enjoying the ‘Fun Slope’ where pupils ducked through hoops, skied over large bumps and gave high fives to robots with padded hands! 

Lunches were enjoyed in a variety of restaurants and in the evening they ate like Kings and Queens back at the hotel with Wiener Schnitzel being a particular favourite!

By the final day Blue, Red and Black runs were all being conquered and the children had all improved dramatically.  It was a fantastic week and the Chandlings Prep children did themselves and the school proud.

A huge thank you to all the staff who went on the trip. Wonderful memories were made along with some much improved skiers!

Year 2 Topic Launch - Our Wonderful World 

Year 2 had a very exciting launch to their topic Our Wonderful World.  Inspired by their text 'Alice in Wonderland,' they began in the Food Tech room making jam tarts ready for a Mad Hatter's tea party! The 'Alice' theme will continue in DT and Art where they will be creating laser cut mushrooms and 3D artwork as well as studying the text in English lessons. They will be discovering life in Bangladesh as part of our Wonderful World and learning about the significant contribution women have made in our world with a focus on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. 

Feel Good Friday 

Feel Good Friday had a team building theme to it this time. All the different year groups were mixed up into teams and they had different tasks to achieve working together. This helps with bonding throughout the school and the children learning patience and empathy.

Chandlings Prep Junior and Senior Golf Championships

On Wednesday 26 April and Thursday 27 April, 14 children from across Years 3 to 6 went to Frilford Heath Golf Club to participate in the Chandlings Junior and Senior Prep Golf Championships. Year 3 and 4 pupils played the first nine holes on the blue course and learned a great deal about club selection and course management whilst they played and it was clear to see that everyone was having fun and would take something positive away from the afternoon. The 'Closest to the pin' competition was won by Rory H. and after nine holes, Tom L. and Freddie M. were declared joint winners having scored 25 points each. The next day saw the Year 5 and 6 pupils take on the Red course. As soon as the children started to practice on the putting green the weather started to change for the worse and after three rather wet holes play was suspended. The remaining six holes that will determine the winner will be played on the Chandlings golf course at some point in the near future. Well done to all of the children who took part and we look forward to future events both at Frilford Heath and Chandlings. 

Year 4 trip to Warwick Castle 

Year 4 had a really exciting and informative trip to Warwick Castle which tied in with their History topic this term of Medieval England and its castles. They watched an amazing bowman demonstrating with a longbow. He managed to hit his target with amazing accuracy across the castle moat! While walking around the castle entrance the children spotted the portcullis and murder holes they followed this with a visit to the Time Tower where the learnt about the history of the castle. There was a steep climb up the motte to the keep which offered spectacular views and earnt them a well deserved lunch. The afternoon was packed with a falconry display, a climb to the castle ramparts and finally a trebuchet reenactment. There is nothing like bringing history to life and this trip certainly did that.

Thank you for looking through our Fort-Knightly News, we hope you enjoyed it!