Issue 8

International Day

The children travelled the world during International Day, a celebration of the different languages and cultures at Chandlings. They dressed up and experienced a wide range of activities including Samba dancing, Japanese ceramic art, African music, Flamenco, and much more. Thank you to the parents who represented 17 countries and helped and supported the event by organising stalls. The Lantern Hall was transformed into a fantastic carnival of colours and sounds. What an amazing atmosphere! 

Science Cell Competition - Winners!

The children in Year 6 were tasked with making a model of a cell (plant, animal, bacteria, or virus) for a house competition, in order to support and cement their understanding of their Science and Engineering topic, Cells and Microbes. They had to choose their materials, label the parts of the cell, and include a description for each part.

There was a huge variety of fantastic models made out of a wide range of materials. The judging proved tricky due to the extremely high standard but we managed, after much deliberation, to decide upon the winners. 

Each entry was awarded a house point with further points given for the runners-up, highly commended, and winners. The winning house was Poltimore.

Digital Learning

Year 6 have been making videos with a purpose in their digital learning lessons. Their latest project was to create a video for next year's Year 6 children, explaining the Cell model competition and giving them ideas on how to complete the task.  

_SM Edit Toby Marchant (1).mp4
_SM edit Nellie Maggs (2).mp4

Year 2 Fire Launch Day and Firefighters Visit

The Spring Term began for Year 2 with a warm, cosy time by the fire in the front hall. First Miss Papp lit the fire and talked to the children about how to light fires safely. She asked them to share their knowledge from her Outdoor Learning lessons. Next Miss Papp treated the children to a mug of delicious hot chocolate whilst Mrs Hook read the children the opening chapter of our new book ‘The boy who grew dragons’ by Andy Shepherd. Finally they searched high and low to find hidden dragon eggs, played pin the tail on the dragon and went on to write their own fabulous, fantastic fire poems! 

As part of their Fire Topic Year 2 had a very exciting day when real fire fighers came to visit telling the children how to be safe and allowing them to climb on board their fire engine.

Year 5 Informal Music Concert

House Matches

During the last week before half term we had our annual House Matches for netball and football. They are always competitive and lots of fun!  Richardson were the winners for both sports. 

Year 1 Food and Design & Technology Lessons

Year 1 has been continuing their space topic in their Food Tech and DT lessons. They made a 3D paper model rocket in DT and in Food Tech, they discussed what food an astronaut might eat in space. They discounted soup as they realised that with no gravity it would be floating around and difficult to eat so they decided upon rocket sandwiches which they took home for tea!

Year 1 Discover Space through VR

Year 1 had an exciting morning in space and on the International Space Station using state of the art Meta Quest 2 VR headsets. They found themselves floating past Mars and engaged in missions on the ISS. They also used our own VR headsets and Chandlings tech ambassadors came along to help. 

House Pancake Races

Chandlings Prep wouldn't be the same without the annual House Pancake Races.  It might be noisy but it is a lot of fun. Each year group in Prep put forward a house team (including their teachers) which then had to race against each other whilst tossing the pancake (at least 3 times).  Thanks to Mr Redman for making all the pancakes which sadly ended up mainly on the floor! The winning house this year was Poltimore. 

Author Michael Mann Visits Prep

Thank you for looking through our Fort-Knightly News, we hope you enjoyed it!