Galactic and extragalactic X-ray transients, theory and observational perspectives

Warsaw, Poland, September 9-11, 2024

Important dates

Registration and participants

The normal registration fee is 150 Euro (650 PLN) and reduced fee for students is 100 Euro (450 PLN). It includes: Coffee break, Lunch, Conference Dinner, Social Event. Daily breakfast, dinners and Hotel accommodation are not included. The payment details are described in the registration form.

Below, the links to registration and participant list are available

Instructions for payments

Please do a bank transfer to

Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk

addres: aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa 

Bank account No: PL65 1130 1017 0020 1465 1320 0009

IBAN-No:                PL65 1130 1017 0020 1465 1320 0009


Bank Name:           Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

IMPORTANT: To identify the payment with a particular conference and participant registered, the transfer must include the conference acronym clagn, the participant's name, or the name of the institution sending and financing the participant's attendance.

A copy of the bank transfer receipt has to be sent to

The invoice will be generated from the information provided by the participant in the registration form (in the section "Tax invoice request").  

 Invited Speakers

 Key topics

1. Quasi periodic eruptions in accreting black holes 

2. Tidal disruption events

3. Changing activity of supermassive black holes

4. Fast variability of Galactic X-ray sources

5. Accretion instabilities and gravitational waves from black hole and neutron star binaries

6. Testing General Relativity with supermassive black holes

 Scientific Rationale

Theoretical studies have shown that the multi-wavelength emission of the nuclei of active galaxies, stellar mass black hole and neutron star binaries is fueled by their accretion disks. The accretion process may be not stationary, and the accretion history as well as geometric structure of the infalling matter are not well understood. Importantly, the magnetic fields must play a key role in sustaining the accretion flows. While we have progressed in understanding many of these phenomena, there are recent observations and new models that drive our understanding in new directions. They are related either to the  instabilities in the innermost part of the disk or to the sudden interaction of circumnuclear stars with the central black hole and the disk. Processes close to the black hole also allow testing of  General Relativity in a strong field regime.

Conference Venue

How to reach the venue and more info, click:

Warsaw, Poland 

Official tourist website

Warsaw is one of the most rapidly developing cities in Europe with huge potential and extraordinary energy, its residents like to look back on its history and are able to skilfully combine tradition and modernity. Warsaw has a rich calendar of musical, cultural and sports events. Festivals, star concerts and outdoor exhibitions take place throughout the year.Interactive museums will help you understand the history of the city. 

Each city has a place that is its showcase and a must-see on any trip. In Warsaw, it’s the Old Town, entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List – it’s where the city’s heart has been beating for centuries. However, when you cross the Vistula River and look at the Old Town from a distance, you are struck by how unusual the panorama of the city is – skyscrapers rise above the red roofs of the Old Town. Historical buildings blend in harmoniously with modern architecture, and the city surprises us by revealing its second face.

Hotel and Conference hall

The event will take place in the conference hall at 03Hotel Warsaw, located at Mangalia 1, 02-758 Warsaw, Poland. To reserve a room, please visit the following the following link. The hotel is roughly 30 min from the old Town by public transport. In the section on logistics, we included links with detailed routes from the main international arrival points. 

(No discounts available for this event)


Bozena Czerny (CFT PAN) Co-Chair   website

Agnieszka Janiuk (CFT PAN) - Co-Chair website

Szymon Kozłowski (University of Warsaw)

Vladimir Karas (Astronomical Institute, Prague)

Mikołaj Korzyński (CFT PAN)

Alex Markowitz (CAMK PAN, Warsaw)

Benny Trakhtenbrot (Tel Aviv University) 

Michal Zajacek (Masaryk University, Brno)


Gerardo Urrutia         (CFT PAN)  website

Bozena Czerny (CFT PAN) Co-Chair   website

Agnieszka Janiuk (CFT PAN) - Co-Chair website



Design and updates: Gerardo Urrutia