Communication - Foundational
Students who do not use verbal language as their main communication mode are often misunderstood. At times, their communications modes are ignored, misunderstood or viewed as wrong or bad. Behavior that is challenging to us is only challenging until we know strategies to meet learners where they are. Come increase your understanding of how to show up for students who may have significant support needs.
SNS Learning Event
Untangle the Strategies for Working with a Student with Higher Impact Needs (Video, Slide deck, Link Sheet)
Comprehensive Literacy for All: Teaching Students with Significant Disabilities to Read and Write by Karen Erickson
Mathematics Education and Students with Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Other Developmental Disabilities: Edited by Drs. Emily C. Bouck, Jenny R. Root, and Bree Jimenez
The SCERTS Manual: A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2 Volume Set) by Prizant, Barry M., Wetherby, Amy M., Rubin, Emily, Laurent
Peer-mediated interventions for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (Bowman-Perrott et al., 2023)
Peer tutoring interventions focused on students with EBD (Bowman-Perrott et al., 2023)
*Resources not developed by DPI, and they do not endorse any product or business. These are free resources pertinent to the topic and provided for your review. We encourage you to do your due diligence to determine if these resources are consistent with your district’s vision and mission.