Central Regional Parent Teacher Association

Why Join?

Partnerships between parents, educators and children enhance student success. We know that students learn more and have better lives when everyone in the school community works together to share thoughts and information and work on projects to benefit children. The mission of the Central Regional PTA is to enhance the school experience for students at both the Middle and High School. We need more members to make this happen. They strength of our organization depends on you!


While there are a variety of clubs and teams at CR that conduct their own activities and fundraising, the PTA provides support for all students, regardless of their individual memberships. The money we raise goes right back to the students in a variety of ways:


Below are upcoming events.  Please reach out to PTA President Heather Walsh for more information:



Central Regional PTA Membership Form.pdf


Below are upcoming events.  Please reach out to PTA President Heather Walsh for more information:



Central Regional PTA Membership Form.pdf