Student Council is the student government organization of the school. 

We are the liaison between the students and the administration. We assist in organizing the annual Spirit Competitions and Spirit Rally, hold a yearly Halloween costume contest, and co-host the Winter Formal with the National Honor Society. 

Additionally, our representative attends monthly Board meetings reporting to the Board of Education on the events that are occurring in the high school for that month. We also serve groups within our school, community, and particularly causes that benefit our student population.


Ms. Hobaugh

Room 35 (Child Study Team Office) 

Mr. Solomon

2023-2024 Meeting Dates:

Meetings are held in the presentation room (located in the Media Center) after school on the following Mondays: 

September 11 February 5

October 2 March 4

November 13 April 8

December 4 May 6

January 9 New Date! June 3

Please check Google Classroom and listen to school announcements for any changes!

Google Classroom Code: ktu5j55

Remind App Code: @crhssc2324