Starry Night Pumpkins

Students learned about the artist Vincent van Gogh and his most famous artwork, "Starry Night". We experimented with van Gogh's Expressionist style of painting by using quick, swirling brush strokes to replicate the night sky. 

*Students with art pictured below chose to leave this project at school to be considered for their art show piece at the end of the year. If you student's artwork is not pictured, they chose to take it home with them and are considering a different project.*

Fall Trees with Warm Colors

Students used the color wheel to identify red, yellow and orange as warm colors. We used crayons to draw and color the trunk of the tree and grass, and used Q-Tips to paint the leaves. 

*If your student's art is not pictured, they were absent the day we completed the project.*

Texture Turkeys

Students learned about the Element of Art Texture. We painted with forks to create a texture that resembled turkey feathers, then practiced using scissors and glue to construct our turkeys. Oil pastels were used to add details, and accordian folded strips of paper for the legs. 

*If your student's art is not pictured, they were absent the day we completed the project.*