Shop 'til you Drop

(some cash for Casa!)

Link your VIC card to Casa at the customer service desk at any Harris Teeter, or online with your VIC number or phone number. Renew every year – they reset on August 1st. Check your receipt for a confirmation that your VIC card has been linked to Casa. Grandparents and friends can link their cards, too!

Our school earns money when we purchase Harris Teeter brand items or fill a prescription.

Vincula sus cuentas de tienda a Casa y recauda dinero mientras compre. 

Disponible en Harris Teeter.

Purchase prints, cards, or personalized items from Shutterfly or TinyPrints using Casa’s fundraising link. Anyone can use this link anytime during the year for any purchase – think holiday cards, calendars, photobooks, and personalized gifts for grandparents – and once you receive your Fall Photos, there will be a photo purchase option that allows you to personalize any gift item with your child’s Lifetouch school photo. 

Our school earns 8% of your purchase price when you buy from Shutterfly or TinyPrints using the fundraising link.

Go to to connect your account to the school or use or use the Amazon Assistant app.

If you use the link then Amazon donates 0.05% of eligible purchases.

AmazonSmile es el mismo que el de Amazon! Visite a para conectar su cuenta a Casa.

Shop at the Teach Me Store, 

(3520 Spring Forest Rd)

and say, “I go to Casa Esperanza!”

Our school earns 10% of the price of your purchase.

Enter the product code from participating Coke products that you buy, and donate the code value to Casa. If you download the Coke Sip & Scan app on your phone, you can just scan the code on the product packaging and the app will automatically add the code value to Casa’s account. Click on Give, and scroll down to Donate To Your Local School to find out how to sign up and how to download the Sip & Scan app.

Coke will donate from $0.05 to $0.38 per code to Casa for the school to spend on supplies for extracurricular activities such as sports, technology, or art.

Link your Fresh Rewards card to Casa at the customer service desk at any Lowes Foods store or online with your Fresh Rewards number or phone number. Grandparents and friends can link their cards, too!

Our school earns money when we purchase Lowes Foods Private Label products

Vincula sus cuentas de tienda a Casa y recauda dinero mientras compre. Disponible en Lowes Foods.

Buy scrip cards for gifts and to use for your own purchases. Log in with Casa’s code 3824246B7952, and create an account. Choose from hundreds of cards!

Our school earns a percentage of the price of your purchase based on which cards you select.

Label your child’s belongings with at least a full last name! Purchase labels from Select “Support a Fundraiser” in the top right corner and type “Casa” in the Search box. 

Our school earns money when you buy from Mabels Labels.

Recaudar fondos para nuestra escuela con compras desde Busca Casa Esperanza en “Support a Fundraiser.”

Turn your shopping trips into easy money for our school and encourage friends and family to do the same. Download the Box Tops app and sign up with Casa Esperanza as your school. Then just use the app to scan any store receipt and all BoxTop credit found will be added automatically to Casa’s account. It’s that easy! Box Tops printed on products are being phased out so make sure you download the app soon.

Each Box Top is worth 10 cents. It all adds up!

Descarga la app Box Tops, escanea sus recibos de almacén, y los puntos se añadirán automáticamente a la cuenta de Casa! 

Use the ShopRaise App when you shop at your favorite stores for a portion of your purchase to come to Casa.

Use la aplicación ShopRaise cuando compre en sus tiendas favoritas para que una parte de su compra venga a Casa.

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