
In 2021, the Bishop-members of Catholic Education Commission Victoria Ltd. (CECV) commissioned an independent review into the role, governance and operations of CECV. Through extensive consultation and feedback, the review panel identified a number of opportunities to strengthen CECV and enhance the support provided to the 500 Catholic schools in our growing network.

On 19 October 2022, the Bishops released their Response and Directives document, which comprises their response to the material aspects of the Review.


9 January 2023 Members of the new CECV Implementation Committee (CIC) announced

Today, Archbishop Comensoli, together with the Bishops of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst, as the Bishop-members of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV), announced the appointment of the Chair and members of the CECV Implementation Committee. This includes Mr James Merlino as Chair, supported by Ms Lynn Glover and Mr Michael Avery, who will join together with Executive Director Jim Miles to establish an enhanced CECV. 

In May 2021, the Bishops of Victoria commissioned an independent review into the role, governance and operations of the CECV. Through extensive consultation and feedback, the review panel identified several opportunities to strengthen the operations of the CECV and enhance the leadership and support it provides to 500 schools across the four dioceses in Victoria.  

This announcement progresses one of the key material aspects for implementation, which was the establishment of a CECV Implementation Committee (CIC) to oversee the implementation of the Response and Directives and consider the remainder of the review’s recommendations.

We have great confidence that these appointments will ensure we move ahead at-pace in setting up an enhanced CECV as we continue to support 500 Catholic schools in our growing network.

Together, all members possess a deep and diverse knowledge and understanding of the Education Sector in Victoria, including the importance of Catholic Education to our students, teachers and their families. 

Their appointments will enable CECV to plan for the future while delivering on its various commitments as the peak body for Catholic Education in Victoria.

19 October 2022 Final Report of the Review of the CECV

Today, Archbishop Comensoli, together with the bishops of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst, as the bishop-members of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV), released their Response and Directives document which comprises their response to the material findings from the review into the CECV.

The Bishop-members have accepted two items they feel are a priority to action immediately. These include:

You can view the Response and Directions here which contains other key material aspects for implementation including:

These changes are likely to be completed by mid-to-late 2023.

The overriding objective of this process will be to establish a robust and sustainable CECV, while at the same time minimising the disruption to MACS.

You can read more about this announcement here and additional information via the FAQs.

The bishop-members thank all those who have shown interest in the review process and provided feedback to date as part of the extensive consultation period. Further updates will be provided in due course as CECV works to enhance its governance structure and operating model over the coming months.

27 June 2022 Panel completes its review of the CECV

The panel has completed its final report for the CECV Review, and submitted this to the bishop-members of the CECV for their consideration.

Consistent with the Terms of Reference, the final report includes a series of recommendations on the future purpose and intent of the CECV, and on its governance and operations. 

The panel also provided recommendations on implementation steps and timing. 

A preliminary report was provided to the bishop-members for feedback, prior to submission of the final report.

The bishop-members will now consider the recommendations of the panel and determine the way forward and the timing.

The panel would like to express sincere gratitude to the wide range of stakeholders who participated in the review, and invested significant time and effort meeting with the panel and making written submissions to the review.

23 December 2021 Panel completes initial consultations and prepares Position Paper

The panel has completed its initial round of stakeholder consultations for the CECV Review. 

This has comprised 29 different meetings with a comprehensive set of stakeholders and their representatives. The stakeholders consulted include:

The panel has also considered 10 submissions that were made to the Review by stakeholders.

It is recognised that stakeholders have invested significant time and effort in the Review through these meetings and in developing submissions. The panel greatly appreciates these efforts, and the views of stakeholders have been invaluable in informing the thinking of the panel on future arrangements.

Following this consultation, the panel met with the bishop-members in early December to reflect on the views of stakeholders, and test some initial views on future CECV governance, functions and operating model. 

It is now agreed that the panel will submit a Position Paper to the bishop-members in early 2022, that will document and justify its recommendations on a future CECV. 

With the approval of the bishop-members, this will be then shared with stakeholders for further consideration and feedback. Accordingly, the panel looks forward to consulting with stakeholders on its recommendations in early 2022.

2 September 2021 Panel welcomes submissions to the CECV Review

The panel welcomes written submissions to the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) review. Submissions should be aligned with the Terms of Reference for the review and focused on matters such as:

Submissions should be sent to review@cecv.catholic.edu.au by 8 October 2021.

Submissions will need to include a name and contact details in order to be considered by the Review Panel.

The panel has also begun scheduling consultations with key stakeholders for the CECV review. These stakeholders include the bishop-members, directors and board members of Victorian diocesan education authorities, directors of the CECV board, directors of RI/MPJP education authorities, and representatives for school principals, parents and government agencies.

24 June 2021 Panel appointed to review the governance and operations of the CECV

The Archbishop of Melbourne and the bishops of Ballarat, Sale and Sandhurst, as the bishop-members of the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV), have agreed to undertake a wide-ranging review of the governance and operations of the CECV. 

With the establishment of the four diocesan entities responsible for the governance of schools in Victoria and coupled with the existing religious institute and ministerial public juridic person entities, the bishop-members have decided that the time has come to look at the present arrangements of the CECV. 

The CECV acts as the overarching, strategic planning and policy-making body for Catholic schools in Victoria, with oversight in those areas for 498 schools and the education of over 211,000 students across the state. 

The CECV’s responsibilities include distributing government funding for schools, providing employee relations services, delivering the Integrated Catholic Online Network (ICON), serving as the school review body for the Catholic sector, representing Catholic schools in Victoria with the Australian and Victorian governments and other relevant agencies, and managing the Enhancing Catholic School Identity (ECSI) project and contract deliverables with the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven). 

The purpose of the review is to identify and assess options for a rearticulation of the purpose and intent of the CECV, and the governance and operational means by which the purpose and intent can be achieved. 

An independent Review Panel has been appointed and Rev. Dr Brendan Reed has been asked to chair the review process. 

Rev. Dr Reed will be supported by three eminent individuals, Ms Pam Betts, Dr John Ballard and Ms Moira Najdecki. You can find the biographies for the panel members here

The Review Panel will make recommendations to the bishop-members within 12 months. This will enable a thorough process – including analysis, consultation with stakeholders and feedback – to inform the development of recommendations. 

As part of this process, the Review Panel will consult with a wide range of stakeholders. These include:

Details on these consultations will be shared in due course. 

The full Terms of Reference for the review can be viewed here