
Nicholas Gregory

How might we construct a micro-competency resource for Middle to Senior Primary learners in order to facilitate greater success in the creative use of the language?

The “My Creative Language Growth” resource is designed to help Middle and Upper Primary students feel more successful in oral language learning by enabling them to map their journey with achievable micro-competencies from memorizing words to spontaneous creative use.

It offers differentiated entry points and celebrates growth. Using Google Sheets and Clickview, it can easily be delivered to students via Google Classroom. It connects CECV initiatives such as Language Mats, ALL Methodology and Speak Up! Both students and teachers are given access to informative data to help make learning more engaging and efficient.

Hear how this prototype was developed and will be used in one school’s context. Think about how it might be used in yours. You will be given the opportunity to try using the resource in the workshop. A draft template will also be made available for teachers of other languages in both primary and secondary schools with instructions on how to set it up.

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