
Dean Fleischer

How might we design units for Year 9 French so that students become confident users of the spoken language, right here, right now?

By the end of this workshop, you will have a better understanding of the little changes you can make in your class to get the students to become confident, autonomous, and independent speakers of the target language. You will have an opportunity to see how changes in designing units and choices made within day-to-day classes can have a strong impact on how much and how well secondary students can speak a language they have studied for less than three years.

For the last 6 months we have been asking the question “How might we design units for Year 9 French so that students become confident users of the spoken language, right here, right now?”. The focus of the inquiry has been around making the whole learning experience of French an enriching, relevant and engaging one, using student voice and relevant resources. This has enabled students to feel a sense of success.

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