Cedarburg's National History Day

The Cedarburg School District is excited to have your child participate in the National History Day program this semester in their U.S. History course, joining 10,000 other students in the state and more than 600,000 in the nation.  National History Day (NHD), an educational program sponsored in our state by the Wisconsin Historical Society, connects students with the study of history by engaging them in the process of discovery and interpretation of historical topics. Through in-depth historical research, students produce dramatic performances, exhibits, multimedia documentaries, papers, or websites based on an annual theme. During the 2023-2024 school year, students will explore the theme, Turning Points in HistoryOver the course of this project, we hope you will see the many benefits of NHD for your child. Rather than simply reading a textbook your student will learn history by doing history. Students will develop essential research, critical thinking, analysis, and presentation skills needed in the 21st century.