Mrs. Gretchen Ward

Week of April 22, 2024

Upcoming Events & Important Dates

April 26th:  Spirit Day

May 3rd:  Early Childhood Field Day/Early Dismissal

May 6th - 10th:  Teacher Appreciation Week

May 16th:  Field Trip to Creative City

May 17th:  Last Day/Early Dismissal

Practical Life

I will demonstrate the proper technique for brushing teeth using our teeth model and a toothbrush.  The children will have the opportunity to practice brushing with this activity


We will play a game using our Mystery Bag this week.  I place numerous objects from around our classroom into the bag.  Then, each child takes turns reaching in and naming the object before they pull it out.  They may not look but use their sense of touch.  

Language Arts

I will introduce our Pink Phrases.  These phrases contain three words, one of which is a sight word- the red hen, a big pig.


We will continue working with the Bead Triangle and mathematical symbols and incorporating numerals into the mathematical equations. 

Culture, Geography, & Science

This week, I will present the lifecycle of the bean plant and discuss what is needed for plants to grow.  The class will then partake in an experiment where we will plant four beans and place them in different locations.  Two beans will have sunlight; one will get water, and the other will not.  The two remaining beans will be placed in the closet; one is getting water, and the other is not.  The class will predict which plant will grow best.

Art, Music, & Physical Development

The children will work on creating their bean lifecycle.

Emotional Growth

The class will begin to learn how to deal effectively with name-calling and teasing. 

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