Mrs. Gretchen Ward

Summer 2024

Upcoming Events & Important Dates

August 14th:  First Day of School

Practical Life

Practical Life activities allow young children to build concentration, fine and gross motor skills, a sense of order, independence, and social skills. 


Sensory activities allow young children to refine their senses while developing concentration, perception, a sense of order, and fine and gross motor skills.

Language Arts

Language is presented in all aspects of the curriculum. New vocabulary is introduced weekly through themed units.  Children practice public speaking during circle time.  They learn essential sounds vital to their language development and build their reading skills incrementally, gradually moving from concrete to abstract learning. 


Mathematic activities are designed to provide children with a concrete, step-by-step process of learning increasingly complex concepts.  Children learn to associate numbers and quantities, are introduced to the decimal system, and are introduced to simple addition.  

Culture, Geography, & Science

The Geography and Science curriculum strives to support children in their journey to understand the world and themselves by stimulating their natural curiosity and fulfilling their desire to explore and discover.  Children learn to observe, compare, classify, measure, and predict.  

Art, Music, & Physical Development

This curriculum area enables the children to appreciate the visual arts using various materials.  Children explore multiple forms of music through their senses and perform a variety of mobile and non-mobile skills with control and balance. 

Emotional Growth

Social and Emotional skills allow children to identify feelings, predict how others feel, and show they care. Children acquire problem-solving skills and social skills such as sharing and taking turns.  They learn ways to calm down and redirect their feelings more positively. 

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