Youth Events

ALPHA Study Series:

This runs every Friday afternoon, 3.30pm at 51 Grey St. We are already up to part 3 in the series, but every session has great input regardless of whether you've been present during the last sessions.

If you're Yr 9-13, join us for snacks, drinks, great discussion, and an introduction to the Christian Faith.

If you live outside of Hamilton and would like to run Alpha in your parish or school, please let us know as we are happy to help!

SON RISE is for all highschool aged students. We meet every Thursday morning at 6.30am Mass at the Cathedral and then have waffles for breakfast in the Parish Centre! Occasionally we have day trips or holiday activities as well.

SETFREE is the biggest annual event in the Catholic Youth Office Calendar! Set free is a Youth Festival which seeks to give high school students and young adults a platform to encounter Christ and enter into a relationship with Him, with the company of hundreds of other young people. The live-in style festival across 3 days is packed with both international and national speakers, quality music, activities, games, keynote sessions, an acoustic stage, great food and the opportunity to receive the Sacraments.

SetFree 2019 will be the 10th festival!!!

There are 11 AWESOME Youth Groups in the Hamilton Diocese! These groups meet anywhere between once a week to once a month. They groups are led by groups of fantastic young adults that are passionate and enthusiastic about giving young people a community and leading them closer to Christ. If you are looking for a Youth Group and you live in the Hamilton Diocese, email Ciara at and we can find the place for you!