Burns Lodge at Holy Cross Centre - 89 Church St, Entry via, Laing St, Mosgiel 9024
On behalf of the National Pastoral Planners Network, thank you for attending the conference! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Please take the time to fill in the feedback survey.
Below you will find some more photos of the conference as well as PowerPoint presentations and handouts from various workshops.
National Pastoral Planners Network
Auckland - Sian Owen: siano@cda.org.nzHamilton - Alex Bailey: alexb@cdh.org.nzPalmerston North - Isabella McCafferty IMcCafferty@pndiocese.org.nz Wellington - Mary-Ann Greaney: m.greaney@wn.catholic.org.nzChristchurch - Mike Stopforth: MStopforth@chch.catholic.org.nzDunedin - Amy Armstrong: amya@cdd.org.nzDaniel Ang

Justice for All Workshop
Bernadette Hannagan & Donna Peacock

Katrina van der Water

Jo Bell & Gerard Aynsley

Joe Bell & Gerard Aynsley - Handout x2

Teresa Hanratty & Amy Armstrong

Tony Lenton

Sian Owen

Jeremy Simons

Megan Stewart - PowerPoint

Megan Stewart - Handout

Marianne Daly - Handout

Marianne Daly - Handout x 3

Friday 27 Sept
9am Registrations
9:45am Gather outside for Powhiri
10am Powhiri
10:30am Morning tea
10:45am House keeping, Burns Lodge history
11am Keynote Speaker - Daniel Ang
12:00pm-12:10pm Colin MacLeod -NCRS parish programmes
12:10pm Lunch
1:30pm Workshops Round 1
3:00pm Afternoon Tea
3:30pm Workshops Round 2
5:00pm Free Time
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Evening Entertainment - Sunny Side Up Gospel Choir
Saturday 28 Sept
9am Welcome and Opening Prayer
9:30am Keynote Speaker - Kitty McKinley
10:30am Morning tea
11:00am Workshops Round 3
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Workshops Round 4
3:00pm Afternoon tea
3:30pm Panel Discussion: Where to from here as Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand?
4:30pm Wrap up
5:00pm Mass in Immaculate Conception Church (adjacent to Burns Lodge)
Workshop Info: