

the rocks.mp4

Nevaeh Scheeper

"The Rocks"

i-movie and photography 2020

My idea was to make a stop motion video. I looked outside and saw a rock, so I decided to make a movie with rocks. If I started over I would add something to it besides just rocks. I really like how shapes of the rocks.

"Nevaeh's Dog Bone" 6x2x2"

Earthenware ceramics 2020

Well it was going to be a snowman but then I made it to a dog bone. I want to do a dog bone because I thought of my dog.

I just used my hands to shape the clay.

I want people to think about their pets when they look at it.

It was hard because I did not know how to shape it and I made it something else. I would build something else if I started over.

What do you love about it? I like that I could finally make it look like something.