Artist statement

I got the idea for this skull off of a picture I saw a while back on a tv show and it really just stuck out to me I added lots more things in this artwork than I had just seen on the tv show. In this artwork I used colored pencils and a black sharpie I drew the outline of the skull and horns with a sharpie first. I want the people that see this artwork to take it from a positive standpoint even tho its dark and somewhat scary and how in the back of all that there can still be light and colors and hope. As soon as someone might look at this artwork they might think the most difficult part for me was the horns for me tho I would have to say the mouth and teeth were the most difficult for me I wanted to get them right and somewhat curved but also still look good. If I was to start the artwork over I would change the way I made one of the horns because the one on the right I think looks almost perfect but the other horn is kind of messed up. I think this art is abstract a little bit in the background of the art. What I love about this drawing is the theme the reason I say that is because it is taking something negative and putting positive things in the picture as well so it is a good mix between both.