Ceramics 1

Kari Casel "Baseline Flower Bowl"

3in x 4in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

This is my baseline project. I wanted to try and make a bowl. I made a slab of clay and then I shaped it into a bowl. But I did not smooth out the sides. I also drew a flower on the inside. It was hard to make sure there were no cracks in the sides. I wish I would have smoothed out the sides and made it look neater. I like how the color of the bowl turned out. This form of art is utilitarian.

Kari Casel "Chip Bowl"

9in x 2in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

I wanted to make a bowl to put chips in. First I rolled out a piece of clay. Then I rolled a pattern on it. Then I put it on the styrofoam ring and I dropped the ring so it would take the form of a bowl. Then I trimmed the edges of the bowl so they would all be even. I also used a sponge to make sure the sides were not going to be sharp. Then I put three layers of glaze on it. It was difficult to make sure the sides were all even. I wish I made the bowl stronger so it wouldn’t have cracked. The style of this art is utilitarian.

Kari Casel "Tiny Bowl"

3in x 1in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

I wanted to make a matching dip bowl for my chip bowl. So I rolled out a piece of clay and then rolled a pattern on it. Then I put it on a small styrofoam ring. Then I dropped it so the clay would take the form of a bowl. Then I timed the sides so they would all be the same length. After it dried I put three coats of glaze on it. It was difficult to shape the sides so they were even and also putting glaze on the pattern because there were hard to get places. I wish that I would have used a different color of glaze because the color of glaze I used was not what I expected. This form of art is utilitarian

Kari Casel “Water Pitcher"

4in x 1in x 6in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

I was trying to make a pitcher for water. I rolled out a slab of clay and then rolled a pattern on it. Then I used a pattern to cut out the shape of the pitcher. Then I molded it into the shape of the pitcher and used slip to hold the sides together. Then I rolled a piece of clay out for the bottom and used slip to hold the bottom on. Then I rolled a piece of clay for a handle and put it on with slip. The handle fell off after going through the kiln so I hot glued it back on and then glazed it. It was difficult to keep the pitcher from flopping over before it was dry. I like the pattern I put on the pitcher. This art is realistic and utilitarian.

Kari Casel "Wheel Thrown Bowls"

3in x 2in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

I wanted to make a collection of bowls on the different wheels. I first added the clay to the wheel and then I centered it on the wheel. Then I started to sculpt them. Then I took them off the wheel and let them dry. Then I put three coats of glaze on them. It was difficult to make bowls on the non-electric wheel. I wish I made some of the bowls more centered. I really liked how the green bowl turned out. The style of art is utilitarian.

Kari Casel "Copper Shoe"

9in x 4in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

I wanted to make a life size shoe. First I flattened clay for the shoe. Then I cut out the bottom and sides from the clay. Then I attached the sides to the bottom piece with slip and more clay to make sure it was attached. Then I cut out the top piece and attached it with slip and clay. Then I added support on the inside. Then I rolled pieces of clay to make shoe laces and attached them with slip. Then I etched a design on each side. Then after it dried I put three coats of glaze on each part. I like how the shape of the shoe turned out but I don't like how the main color glaze turned out. This form of art is expressive.

Kari Casel "Jewelry Dish"

3in x 6in, Stoneware and glass, 2022

I wanted to make a dish to hold all of my jewelry. So first I rolled out clay and put it on a small styrofoam ring and dropped it so it would make a bowl. Then I rolled out a piece of clay and rolled it and left space in the middle of it. Then I attached that to the inside of the bowl with slip so it was standing upright. Then I rolled out a piece of clay and cut it to a square and rolled a pattern on it. I then attached it to the top of the other piece of clay with slip. Then I rolled two small pieces of clay and attached them to the underneath of the top piece so there would be places for necklaces to hang. This form of art is utilitarian.

stop motion .mp4

Kari Casel and Ellie Lake "The Girl and the Chicken"

2in x 1in, clay and stop motion, 2022

We wanted to make a stop motion video with a person in a car and a chicken crossing the road. First we got clay to make a person. Then we shaped more clay into a car with an open roof and a steering wheel inside. Then we made the chicken that will cross the road. We made the background with green and blue paper and glued cotton balls to the blue for the clouds and painted grass on the green part. Then we set up the phone and took pictures while we slowly moved the car and characters on the set. Then Ellie added subtitles and sounds over the pictures in iMovie. This form of art is expressive.