Jons Art Portfolio

Jonathan Denahey "The Vastness of a field"

8 by 10, Acrylic on canvas, 2021

The idea of this painting is the vastness and emptiness of the landscape.

I used heavy strokes at the top and bottom, and as I worked farther inward, I used lighter strokes.

I want the audience to think about the seemingly unending feeling looking at the field and sky.

The challenge of this painting is getting the right shade of grey for the Clouds and the proper green of the grass


What I love about it is that I can portray an array of feelings from such little work.

The Idea is that I wanted to make a portrait tht does not specificaly show me but shows what I am doing

I painted the painting stand to make it look 3D

I want the Audiance to look at the action more rather than the person

The challenge was to make the body look somewhat proportional

What I like about this painting is that I amaged to make a person look somewhat normal.