Shayna Lopez  "Tiny Turtle"

9x12, Graphite, 2023

I had recently bought a tiny crochet turtle and just decided to draw him. I figured the bumps in the wool would be a fun challenge to draw.

I just used a regular pencil and blender to create this piece.The texture of the bumps were where the blender really came in handy.

This piece is just for fun, I had just wanted to draw something in the moment and  i ended up drawing  Tiny Turtle.

I would say that the texture in the wool was the most difficult to draw at first.I had struggled to add the individual bumps with just the pencil so the blender really helped out with that. ii would probably change the blankness in the rim of the shell and belly and limbs.

This art style would be considered as still life and i had tried to make it  realistic but i kind of failed in doing so due to the blankness in the shell and limbs




Shayna Lopez  "Flowery Grashopper"

9x12 Graphite 2023

This is a Photography photo I took  a few months ago