Drawing 1

Dalani Beuthien "Roaming Cows"

8 3/4 x 12, Colored Pencil, 2023

I got my inspiration for this drawing from one of my county fair photo entries. As soon as I captured this photo I knew it was going to be one of my favorites which inspired me to recreate it with colored pencil. For this drawing, I used many different shades of colored pencils. One of my most used techniques was layering the colors until it almost blended itself. I also used some colors that you wouldn't think of when looking at the inspiration photo.  To me, my drawing means growth because over the summer I had taken a lot of photos and every time I would get my camera out I would grow or learn something new. By the time I took this photo, I had grown so much from my first-ever photo. I found that drawing and coloring the cows was the hardest part because of the detail, colors, and shape of them. This drawing is unique because I took the photo myself and planned it out. My favorite part of my drawing is the treeline in the background because of the way I was able to blend the colors together and make it look very realistic.

Dalani Beuthien "What's for breakfast?"

4 3/4 x 6, Colored Pencil, 2023

I got my inspiration for this drawing from a language card. I wanted to know how I would do if I copied another drawing exactly. My process started with sketching out the design with a pencil and then going in with colored pencils and laying down the base colors. Next, I went in and started building up the layers of colors which helped with the shading and opaqueness. My drawing does not have a specific meaning but I think when people look at it they may wonder what the drawing is of. Some people may think it is a donut while others may see a bagel. Something that I found difficult was getting the circles to be in the right proportions. If I were to draw this again I would work harder on the background and add different shades of color into it. Something I love about the pieces is the colors. I think the colors look really good together and the organes and tan stick out.

Dalani Beuthien "Let The Creativity Flow"

8 3/4 x 12, Sharpie, 2023

My inspiration for this drawing was the t-shirt contest at the Figge Art Museum. I wanted to create something simple but also had meaning behind it. I considered a couple of different options but paintbrushes in a cup stuck out the most to me. I started this piece by making some straight lines with a pencil and ruler and then went over it with a sharpie. My intention with this drawing was to make people wonder what they would add to this drawing or if they would do something different. With how simple this drawing is, people can let their creativity flow by looking at my piece. Something difficult for me was making the Sharpie lines straight. If I were to do something different next time I would use a thin sharpie instead of a regular one when doing the outline because I feel like it would give me cleaner lines. To get them the best I could I made the lines thicker and went very slow. Something I love about this artwork is just how simple it is because although color would make it stand out more sometimes when things are simple its to much to look at.

Dalani Beuthien "Spring Is Close"

8 3/4 x 12, Printmaking, 2023

My inspiration for these drawings was one of my weekly sketches. Drawing flowers has always been something I enjoyed. Often I will find myself sketching flowers on my math homework or just on a random sticky note. I decided that since it was my first time printmaking I should just start with a really simple drawing. To make these pieces I started by printing out my sketch. Next, I took a piece of foam and put it under my sketch so I could trace my sketch into it. After my sketch was transferred onto the foam I picked out my 3 colored pieces of paper. There is no reasoning behind my colors, I just randomly chose them. Lastly, I rolled the ink onto the stamp and then pushed it down well onto the colored paper. When looking at my artwork the color combinations make me think about spring. Something that I found difficult was inking the last paper. This wasn't easy because there was already a lot of excess ink from the other two stamps so it was hard to see the design through it. If I started over I would clean the stamp in between each print. Something I love about my artwork is the color combinations, specifically the purple and gold piece.

Dalani Beuthien "Sweet Potato"

8 3/4 x 12, Collage, 2023

My inspiration for this art work was my sisters cat, Sweet Potato. I chose to use a picture of her as opposed to other pictures because its my favorite photo of her and I can gift it to my sister. For this piece I started by using transfer paper to get the lines and edges down. Next I started to go through magazines and cut out all of my pieces, I made sure to pay close attention to the shades of color so I could keep the actual piece and reference photo as close as possible. After that I started glueing on the pieces which took longer that I thought it would. Finally I gave the pieces a coat of modge podge. Something that was difficult for me was being patient when glueing down pieces. Towards the end I was ready to move onto a new project but stuck it out and got it done. If I were to do this piece again I would make sure to fill in all the spaces no matter how small they are. This artwork is realistic.  Something I love about it is how much detail there is.

Dalani Beuthien "Trail Ride"

9 x 12, Black and White, 2023

To get my inspiration for this piece I was thinking about how the NFR was starting that week and decided to look up western drawings on Pinterest. I passed this one many times but every time it stuck out to me which encouraged me to draw it. To draw this I used the grid method and then used a pencil and blending pencil. This artwork shows a girl riding her horse. I want people to think about the agriculture industry and think deeply about how it impacts us. The most difficult part of this piece was the braided hair. to overcome this I just worked and worked on it until it looked right. I went back and forth with the reference photo a lot of times. This piece is meant to be realistic. This represents me because I enjoy watching horse riding as well as learning about it. Western style has always been something I have liked.