Charlie's Paintings

Artist Name Charlie Shaffer, "Parrot"

12x18" Acrylic on Paper, 2019

How does this painting fit in the Identity theme? It’s a parrot on a tree blanch.

What symbolism or iconography can you identify? I painted a parrot on a tree blanch on a paper.

What would you change if you started over? I would do it again.

What do you love about it? I love the parrot I’ll painted again.

Artist Name Charlie Shaffer "Cubs"

12x18" Acrylic on Paper, 2019

How did you get the idea for this painting? it was on google.

What does it mean? cubs vs cardinals or are the cubs and cardinals best friends.

What would you change if you started over? i'll do it again and again.

What do you love about it? cubs are better than cardinals.