Classroom Expectations

English 10 and 11 Syllabus and Policies


  • Must come to class with the following materials every day:
  • Whatever literature we are reading (novel, short story, poem, or non-fiction piece)
  • Writing utensil and paper
  • Three ring binder or folder/notebook
  • NO cell phones or separate electronic music devices should be present in the classroom. You must leave the devices and/or headsets in your locker or you can put them in the designated slot on the back of the door so that you won’t be tempted to look or touch. This is a serious issue that is impacting your learning by making you easily distracted and unfocused. This is preparation for career and college ready since you will not be able to have these devices in your jobs (unless you decide to become a deejay) or most college classes. They are an unnecessary distraction and studies prove that in classes that ban them, learning increases.

Writing Assessment:

  • Each literature and argumentative essay will be graded using the New York State Common Core Regents format that focuses on the following:

Content and analysis

Command of evidence

Coherence, organization and style


  • Creative writing or specific projects will be graded according to a separate rubric that will be given out ahead of time.


Essays and Projects: 50%

Quizzes and Tests: 25%

Homework and Class Participation:25%

  • For each new unit or concept, you should expect an essay or culminating project to help you remember the skill or concept.
  • If homework is not turned in on the day that it is discussed, then it is a zero and you cannot make it up. If something is not discussed, then you could turn it in for late points.
  • If an essay or project is not turned in on the day it is due, then you will be reduced by five points per day. If it is not turned in before the marking period is over, then it is a zero.
  • If you miss a test or quiz, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to schedule a time to make it up. I will remind you once and then if it is not done before the marking period is over or BEFORE we go over it, then it is a zero. The absence folder is in the front of the room for a reason; use it.

Extra Help:

  • If you are having difficulties with assignments, then the time to ask is BEFORE it is due; not on the day it is due. JUST ASK.
  • All assignments are always posted on the dry erase board. Be sure to use your planners or calendars! It is your responsibility to be career and college ready—write down your own assignments!! They won’t be found in ESD because that is a grading program. Your momma shouldn’t call me about the assignments because you are in high school and they are not. This is your job.