Westwood High School
Quarter 2 ends December 19th.
Christmas Break is December 20-January 3!
Quarter 3 starts January 6, 2025.
7 Opportunity Spur Gillette, Wyoming 82718 (307) 682-9809
Carla Miessler, Secretary/Registrar
To request records or transcripts email: cmiessler@ccsd.k12.wy.us
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Summer hours may vary.
Not for school but for LIFE we learn!
Westwood High School is a school of choice, meaning that you must apply and be accepted to attend. We provide small class sizes and one-on-one teaching/learning opportunities in order to assist us in meeting student needs. Westwood High School meets all CCSD and Wyoming State Standards.
Our mission at Westwood High School is to educate students of all abilities and circumstances by providing an environment that fosters student responsibility and accountability. We provide a safe and non-threatening family-like environment, which nurtures the affective and cognitive domains; helping students to value themselves and others. We meet the needs of every student through flexible instructions and high expectations, developing life-long learners who contribute to their community and have the tools to succeed in a changing world.