CHS Interact Club Home
The Interact Club of Coldwater High School (Coldwater, MI) is an organization dedicated to making life better for our community as well as for our school. Our 80+ members have made a commitment to serve others and our club has been doing that for over twenty-five years now. Along with our parent organization, the Coldwater Sunrise Rotary Club, we have been involved in a number of activities since our beginning. Our Website will showcase our activities throughout the school year, as well as providing a monthly calendar for our members.
We have been busy this year with several important community service projects within our school, community and world! Here are some of the projects we have been working on!
Color Run
We volunteered at the Family Fall Festival at the Eby Center
Leukemia Bake Sale for Orange Out
Food Drive in November for the Holiday Food Distribution
Adopt-a-Child in December
Gift wrapping for school staff
Winterfest help with hot chocolate and S'mores
Volunteer regularly at the GBB Store Downtown
Night To Shine Event at Hope Church
Kindness Challenge in February for Cancer Care Packages
Maple Lawn Crafts and Volunteers
Humane Society Food Drive
Bake Sale for the Dominican Republic Service Trip
Sponsor of the Duck Race
International Women's Day Flower Sale
Earth Day Clean-up
ABC Challenge 2024 was a success!
The CHS Interact Club is excited to be giving out six mini-grants of $300 each to support educational, athletic, or healthy living for the youth of our community. We are happy to be able to support our community and the activities of these organizations. Grants were generated with the proceeds from our annual mud run, The ABC Challenge. Please join us at the upcoming race on June 1, 2024.
The officers of Interact have chosen the following recipients for grants this year; Bronson Youth Soccer League, CHS Art Club, St. Charles Borromeo Robotics Team, Cougar-Bots 13028, LMS Physical Education Equipment, BACC Student Organization FCCLA, and CHS Student Council’s “Day of Engagement.” Thank you to everyone who applied for grants this year. We look forward to awarding more grants in 2024. If you are a recipient, please stop by Coldwater High School to pick up your funds.
In addition to the mini-grants, we have also given out $1900 in funds to all of the school districts that participated in the ABC Challenge. The remainder of the proceeds from the event will be used towards senior scholarships in May of 2024.
International Outreach in the Dominican Republic
In 2014, the Interact Clubs of Southwest Michigan were looking for an International Immersion Project. Priority was in giving Members an opportunity to understand needs in a third world country.
In the beginning, Interact Club travelers installed water filters in small Haitian villages among the Sugar Cane fields, called Bateyes. As time went on, we added building homes for Haitian families and providing medical support working alongside Missionary Doctors. In 2019, we added providing food and education.
For the home construction, we send money in advance to start the building, then complete the home and dedicate it on our last day. We will begin working on our International Outreach Fundraising in the spring of 2023.
Traditionally at the end of the trip, we walk to the top of the village mountain with Batey children and give up our shoes. This year we are sending two of our student members and our advisor to the Dominican Republic in June! More pictures will be coming soon!
2024 Officers:
President: Danika Cox
Vice President: Pablo O'campo
Secretary: Sebastian O'campo
Treasurer: Tucker Wischmeyer
Sergeant at Arms: Jackson Reilly
International Affairs: Olivia Searls
Advisor: Sarah Davis
This year the Interact Club awarded three senior members with Interact Scholarships at Scholarship Night. Each year the club does a variety of service projects for donations and we save this money to award a senior scholar with our scholarship. The recipient must be a member of the club and in good standing. This year we are excited to award Sharefa Aboali, Braeh Mohammed and Hannah Stevens. Good luck, ladies!