Summer Reading

Hello!  This site contains all of CCSC's required summer reading texts.  Just scroll down and find the grade that you're going into next year.  

In addition, the button below is a portal to a version of our little CCSC library that we'll be updating with good things to read all summer.  Click on it, and grab some free books.

Required Summer Reading

Click on a book cover below to download a .pdf of your required Summer Reading book(s).

Middle School Students (6-8):  This summer you will read your Humanities summer reading book and complete the required summer reading assignment.  In addition, there is an honors book that is posted for you to read which is not required. There is no assignment for this honors book, just a conversation about the book with your teacher when you come back to school after the summer. If you complete the honors text, you'll be on your way to earning honors credit for semester one, this fall.
High School Students (9-12): You have a summer assignment for both your English and History course.  You will read a book, and complete the assignment posted for the book.  Additionally, you can choose to complete the honors reading book listed for each course to begin your work towards earning honors credit this fall.

History 10

10th Grade History Summer Reading*Please read Chapter 1: Three Worlds Meet
10th Grade History Summer Assignment
*There is no Summer Honors work for this class--please just complete the required assignment.

History 11

11th Grade History Summer Reading*Please read chapters 7 - 9
11th Grade History Summer Reading Assignment
11th Grade History Honors: The Underground Railroad
APUSH Summer Homework
*APUSH is reading the11th grade summer assignments and the APUSH reader.

English 12

12th Grade AP
*For all 12 grade + AP students: please go to Google Classroom for your required reading.