FAMiLY Technology HUB

Welcome Parents & Students!

This site to provide you with instructional technology support and resources. Book mark this site and revisit as we continue to grow and add new tips!

Got ideas you would like for us to publish? Awesome! Submit a suggestion, question, or anything you would like for us to include on this parent support site HERE


Grades K, 1 & 2 were issued Chrome Tablets. These tablets use the Chrome browser and are very similar to a Chromebook. Please check out the recently uploaded videos to help parents navigate these tablets!

Schoology for Parents

Are you ready for the new school year? Schoology is Collegium's Learning Managements system, or digital classroom for teachers and students. Parents have access to their child's Schoology account, however, it must be initially set-up. Simply click on the button below to access the resources your need for Schoology.