
Dystopian novels are the latest thing in YA lit. According the Wikipedia, the dystopian novel embraces the idea of a repressed but tightly controlled society under the guise of a utopia and usually follows some cataclysmic event. Early examples of this kind of novel are 1984 and A Brave New World. Goodreads has an HUGE list of dystopian novels for you to check out.

Dystopian Titles

The Book of Ivy and The Revolution of Ivy by Amy Engle


Hunger Games trilogy/Collins

Maze Runner trilogy/Dashner

In the Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy/Ryan (dystopian with a zombie twist)

Article 5/Simmons (terrifying possibilities) Breaking Point (book 2)


Incarceron & Saphique/Fisher

The Knife of Never Letting Go/Ness

Fever Crumb/Reeve (dystopian with a steampunk twist)

Ashes, Ashes/Treggiari


The Search for WondaLa & Hero of Wondla/DeTerlizzi

The Diary of Pelly D/Adlington (older book, may be out of print)

Gone/Grant (not really all that dystopian but it involves the disappearance of everyone over the age of 15 and the forced reorganization of society)

Daylight Runner/McGann (also older title)

Dark Parties/Grant


City of Ember/DuPrau (older book; trilogy) tells the story of the great, underground city of Ember, designed as a last refuge for the human race. But when the storerooms run out of food and the lights begin to fail, it’s up to two teens, Lina and Doon, to decipher the fragments of an ancient parchment and find a way out of Ember.

The Uglies/Westerfeld (trilogy)



The Drowned Cities/Bacigalupi

Ship Breaker/Bacigalupi


The world is a dangerous place. School shootings happen nearly weekly. Bombings happen with frightening frequency. Then came that fateful day, the day that changes everything...on March 28th, 17 elementary schools were targeted and 10,000 children died in horrific bombings, more died in the days to come from their injuries. From that point on, people begin to turn inward and kept on turning. Maddie was 5 when the bombing happened; she's now 17 and very rarely goes outside. She attends digital school, socializes online, shops online. The only time she gets out of the house is to play soccer. She wants something different but doesn't know how to get it until she meets the mysterious Justin. He awakens her to the real world, the one outside of her computer screen. It's terrifying and exhilarating, all at once, and now that she's gotten a taste of it, she's not sure she can go back to her small room, her father who tracks her every move, her mother who seems to want more but can't get it. Escape is the only option.