Selection Process for Membership

The selection for membership into the National Junior Honor Society is a multi-step procedure.  A student who wishes to become a member must demonstrate the highest levels of all five tenets: scholarship, character, leadership, service and citizenship.  Demonsration of scholarship is shown through grade point average.  A 3.5 GPA is needed for the first two marking periods of 7th grade and all of 6th grade.  If the student does not initally meet this bar, the student will again be considered if they maintain a cumulative 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher for grades 8, 7, and 6.  Demonstration of charcter, leadership and citizenship are first recognized through teacher recommendations.   In addition, the student must not have received a disciplinary action resulting in suspension during the current school year.  

Students meeting these criteria are next asked to complete an application that documents examples of their service and leadership positions held.  A well-developed essay detailing his/her desire and ability to become a successful member of NJHS is also required.  The completed Service Activities Form and essay must be returned by the due date given.  If a student does not have required community service or leadership experience they must explain why and then identify and explain their goals for these two areas. 

The evidence is then reviewed by the NJHS Faculty Council.  The Council votes on candidate accpetance or non-acceptance to the National Junior Honor Society.  The accepted candidates are then approved by the principal.  After the process is complete, the student is notified.  

Examples and Non-Examples of Service

Non Examples:


Obligations of Membership

Students who accept membership and are inducted into the chapter should be aware of the time and committment involved with this honor.   There will be monthly chapter meetings.  Members must also participate in NJHS service projects that benefit the school and the community. 

Maintaining Membership in the NJHS

The National Junior Honor Society is a service organization whose members assist with needs in the school and community.  Students must maintain their honor roll status and high standards of the ideals throughtout their middle school career.  If at any times these standards slip below the acceptable level the student may be recommended for probation or dismissal.  A student recommended for probation or dismissal will be notified in writing and, except in cases of of flagrant violation of school rules, will be offered a way to show that the standard in question is being raised back to its original level.  Students who are dismissed or resign from NJHS will never again be eligible for membership.  However, students who resign or are dismissed from NJHS are not automatically excluded from the NHS when they reach high school.