Studio in Art

Text: ART TALK / Glencoe; Publishers

Course Description: As the introductory course in the high school art curriculum, Studio in Art focuses on the further knowledge and function of the art elements and principles introduced to the student in the middle school program. Primary emphasis in the first semester is on the basic method of drawing, in varied aspects and media; including pencil, pastel, pen & ink, oil crayon, and mixed-media. A balance of subject matter is established, between life drawing (still-life and portrait), and that of the student's choices from photographs. Second semester involves the student in a variety of mixed-media and three dimensional projects, including sand painting, candle design, dry-point etching and mask making. The primary painting medium on this level is watercolor. Most projects follow a particular assigned theme, allowing the student a wide variation of choices. Knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design and color, along with a brief introduction to eastern and western art, make up the academic portion of study. Along with this is a study of the process of art criticism. These provide a firm context to the student's experiential work.

Assignments: Chapter assignments covering these areas are required three to four times a quarter. One test per quarter is given, reflective of the knowledge gained from the text and art processes. Finally, the student executes one major project in the final weeks of the course, reflective of one major project experienced throughout the year, as their final exam.