(Updated Mar 20, 2021)

1. How is the church going to regather and when?

    • For now, we are planning for Phase 1 (a limited Sunday Worship Service with a reservation system).

    • Other phases of regathering at the church campus will be announced as we plan for them. Please make sure you are in one of the church communication channels to receive these announcements.

    • Regathering date began on March 28, 2021.

2. What social distance procedures are going to be implemented when we return to the church campus?

3. What about the use of overflow rooms? Or having multiple services with smaller groups?

    • For Phase I of reopening, we will only be using the sanctuary and not overflow rooms or having multiple services. We will continue to use the livestream services so that all members can still attend service.

4. What about the Children’s Ministry?

    • Page 10 of the CA Guidance for Places of Worship: "Children should remain in the care of those in their household unit and not interact with children of other parties at any time while visiting facilities. Close play areas and discontinue activities and services for children where physical distancing of at least six feet cannot be maintained."

    • We are still planning on how we can reopen the Children’s Ministry in a safe and orderly way. There are difficulties with multiple services and social distancing limitations. Please be patient with us as we plan.

    • Currently, online children's ministry classes are available.

    • If you would like to help in planning for this or would like more details on the online classes, please contact Stephanie - ccgc.children@gmail.com.

5) What about fellowships and Sunday School classes?

    • For now, we are only focused on Phase 1 of campus reopening and we will announce when Sunday School classes are allowed to gather back at church. Please continue to meet online.

6) What about weddings/funerals/special ministry events?

    • An application will need to be submitted to the church leadership. There is no guarantee that your request will be accepted.

7) What happens if someone who was on the church campus tests positive for Covid-19?

    • Anyone who tests positive who was on the church campus should contact the church leadership immediately. Your name will be kept confidential.

    • All those who were on campus with the infected person will be notified by the county and be given further instructions.

    • In-person gathering will be skipped for one Sunday.

    • Those who test positive should not return to the church campus until they are no longer infectious (with at least 10 days after onset of symptoms AND at least 1 day following resolution of fever and decreasing symptoms. If following severe disease or for immunocompromised patients, will need at least 20 days after onset of symptoms).

8) How do I receive upcoming church announcements in regards to regathering?

    • The church leadership will be communicating announcements through the regular announcement channels (Sunday service, bulletin, weekly email announcements, fellowship leaders, etc.).

    • Please continue to pay attention and read announcements carefully.

    • If you are not currently receiving any church announcements, please feel free to contact a member of the church leadership (Pastoral staff, Deacons, Fellowship Leader, etc).