GBE Behavior Expectations

GBE Ways to Be

Classroom Behavior Management System

As a teacher, my role is to teach your student(s). I LOVE that role. I want our classroom to be a place of learning, and I strive to make sure all students in my classroom have an opportunity to learn. In order to create a classroom environment conducive to learning, it is imperative that our classroom management program is in place and supported by parents at home.

Our classroom expectations are as follows:

1. Listen and follow directions

2. Use hand signals and stay on task

3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

4. Respect your classmates, school, and teacher

Our classroom consequences are as follow: *consequences are given when a behavior expectation in not met

1. Redirect (a verbal warning)

2. Side Line (break in a specific area in classroom)

3. Letter Home (letter home to parent that must be signed and returned)

*After three parent letters, a conference will be requested to create a personalized behavior plan.

Positive Behavior Recognition:

When students exhibit positive behavior inside the classroom, going above and beyond expectations, they will receive a green ticket. All green tickets will be placed in a drawing for a small reward. Drawings will take place on the last day of the week.