US History: 

The Story of Us

US History: The Story of Us

Google Classroom Codes

1st: ifgm3vn 2nd: ge76lvq 4th: iwj3wjc 5th: lh4coyq 7th: d3wmq7h Remind: @wush24-25

For your planning purposes for the next two weeks: 

This Week: 

Mon- Quiz on Standard 7 

Tues- Start Standard 8; Missouri Compromise (Daily Notes and Map assignment DUE)

Weds - Polk & Manifest Destiny

Thurs- Mexican War & Sectionalism 

Fri- Turbulent 1850s and the Election of 1860

Sun- HALLOWEEN Treat Bonus points 

Mon- Standard Review; Full notes due

Tues- Standard 8 Quiz

*Bold are graded

Description: The study of U.S. History includes an overview of the settlement of North America, the American Revolution, Constitutional period, Antebellum era, and the Civil War.  Continuing with the Post- Reconstruction Era, the course includes a more in-depth concentration of both geographic characteristics and the changing political climate of our nation, the wars in which the United States was involved as well as social, economic, political, and contemporary issues. The Fall semester will include the colonies through pre-World War 1. With the Spring semester, we will continue with World War 1 through the election of 2008. 

This course includes readings, both primary and secondary, lecture notes, reading guides, a variety of question-response problems, and projects designed for the student to have success on the Quarterly Benchmarks and End of Course Exam. Most importantly, I understand the baggage that may be brought into a History class so we will work to enhance our curiosity and confidence with the material in fun and stimulating ways. 

Course Pacing:


Assignments/Class Procedures

Benefits of Submitting Work Online (Google Classroom)

Late Work Policy: Work for a Unit will be accepted up to the subsequent unit test day of that unit with a one point penalty for lateness.

New Grading Policies

Grading Policy

Reassessment is allowed for Summative assessments. I will go over the Reassessment policy for each class the first couple of days of school with the syllabus.

Plagiarism & Cheating Policy I am committed to your success. I do, however, have zero toleration for plagiarism and cheating. Give credit where credit is due and when in doubt, cite using MLA, APA, or Turabian / Chicago Style.

Copying information straight from the internet, to include ChatGPT, is plagiarism no matter what kind of assignment it is, this includes handouts. In addition, copying answers or work from another student is strictly prohibited and will count as plagiarism and/or cheating. Students will complete their own work on all assignments. Any instances of plagiarism will result in an immediate discipline referral according to the LHS and CCBOE student handbooks. 


I will keep my website and Google Classroom updated with assignments, so students and parents will be able to check and have access to the materials and assignments.  It is the student’s responsibility to complete these assignments and copy down notes as quickly as possible.


Tardies will be tracked; use the QR Code scanner at the classroom entrance to provide any exceptional excuse mitigating the tardy. Upon four tardies, the parent / guardian will result in a discipline referral. Please ensure to use the restroom prior to coming to class but for those of you traveling from afar, if you are worried about arrival time, come to class first. 


I will generally communicate via Google Classroom and email with students and parents.