Welcome to Mrs. Groenenboom's 


Dear Families, 

     Welcome to our class page! I will be adding important information to it throughout the school year. You will also find our daily schedule, weekly newsletters, contact information and any other important information you may need.

     Please let me know of any other useful information I could include that will be helpful to you and your family! I am looking forward to a fun year, full of lots of learning and exciting activities!

Our weekly newsletter is one way that I will communicate important information to you each week! Be sure to check both sides as I may elaborate details on the back. To see our most recent newsletter, you can always check here! 

*Weekly Newsletter coming soon!*

Meet Mrs. Groenenboom!

I am so excited to be your student's 4th grade teacher! We are going to have a wonderful time together learning exciting, new things along the way! Since I will be spending so much time with your precious little one, you ought to know a little more about me! 

This is my Ninth year teaching! I have had experience in first through 5th grade. My favorite things about school are Math, teaching reading and spending lots of time teaching and expanding the minds of all my smart kiddos. This will be my first year teaching EIP but I am SO excited to begin a new journey this year! 

Some of my favorite things are: peanut M&Ms, dark chocolate, all types of children's books, my favorite color is pink, football (GO DAWGS!), Chickfila, and I love coffee but especially iced coffee (i RUN ON DUNKIN')!

  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You may reach me at:

GTE Phone Number: 706-863-0800

In my class, students are Responsible, Respectful and Ready!

Resources & Links: 



WIN 1:25- 2:05

Core Replacement 2:05- 3:35 

Dismissal 3:35- 3:40