Mrs. Gaughan's Webpage


LHS Website:

​Welcome! Please sign up for the correct Google Classroom with the codes listed below. All information for your class including the calendars, notes, and handouts will be posted in Google Classroom. 

​Mrs. Gaughan's Schedule 

1st Period: Bio

2nd Period: Bio

3rd Period: Bio

4th Period: Planning

5th Period: Bio

6th Period: Enviro

7th Period: Enviro

Needed Supplies (Enviro and Bio)

You'll need:

*I'm always gracious for any donation of paper towels, disinfectant wipes, or tissues*

Google Classroom 

Access Codes: 

Environmental: ge7gpu6

Biology: wvyw2se 


Tutoring sessions offered by SNHS after school from 3:30-4:30 on and , room